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Dave. "You know we are used to taking care of ourselves," and he smiled faintly.

"Then go ahead and do as you think best."

"We want Captain Sanders to start for Barbados as soon as he can," went on our hero, and told of the telegrams received.

A general talk followed, lasting until Dunston Porter had to ride away to catch the train for New York.

"You must be right, and Merwell and Jasniff must be guilty," he said. "And if they are, spare no expense in catching them. I think the quicker you start for Barbados the better. And as soon as you arrive do your best to locate the rascals and have the authorities arrest them. And above all things, keep your eyes open for the jewels, for we need them much more than we need to catch Merwell and Jasniff. To catch the rascals and miss the gems will do us no good."

"I understand. Uncle Dunston," answered Dave. "And if the jewels are anywhere around we'll locate them."

"Then good-by and good luck!" finished Dunston Porter, and in a minute more he was off.

As soon as he was gone the boys and Captain Sanders commenced preparations for the trip to Barbados. An extra number of 'longshoremen were engaged, so that the half-cargo to be taken along could be gotten aboard quickly, and the boys