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The bow of the Golden Eagle was turned eastward. They ran slowly, all hands keeping their eyes open for more signs of the wreck.

Presently they came in sight of the reef outside of Cave Island. It formed a large horseshoe, and beyond was the island itself, long, low, and irregular, the shore fringed with tropical trees and bushes and the center rocky and barren.

"This ain't no easy place to land," said Billy Dill to Dave, as the sails were lowered and the ship was brought about. "If them critters from the wreck got here in their small boats in the dark they must have had a fierce time o' it!"

"I don't see a sign of a boat anywhere," said Dave, as he swept the reef and the shore with the glasses. "And not a sign of a human being either," he added, with a sinking heart.

"That's queer, too, lad, if they came here. Fust thing I'd think about, if I was wrecked, would be to put up a signal o' distress."

It was growing dark, yet Dave and his chums were anxious to go ashore, to see if they could discover anything concerning those who had been wrecked, so Captain Sanders ordered out the largest of the small boats.

"I'll go with you," he said. "And we can take Billy Dill and Smiley."

"We had better take some things along—in case we remain ashore all night," said Dave.