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either party discovered anything, it could signal to the other by firing a pistol or a gun." For both sorts of weapons had been brought along.

"Whatever you wish to do to-day must be done quickly," said Captain Sanders. "It will soon be night, and, as you know, darkness comes on quickly in this part of the world."

The matter was discussed for a few minutes, and then it was decided to leave the sailors in charge of the boat, while Captain Sanders and Phil walked up the shore and Dave and Roger traveled in the opposite direction.

For fully a quarter of a mile Dave and the senator's son found it an easy matter to push along, for the sandy shore was smooth and offered no barrier to their advance. But then they came to a series of rocks, jutting out into the ocean, and here progress was more difficult.

"We'll not get around this island to-night," remarked the senator's son, after climbing over a particularly sharp line of rocks. "This takes a fellow's wind."

"Look!" cried our hero, as he pointed to a spot between the rocks. "What do you make that out to be, Roger?"

"It's the wreck of a rowboat!" cried the other.

"Just what I thought. Let us go down and look it over."