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would stand in with sech fellers as Jasniff an' them thievin' Britishers."

"Perhaps he doesn't know what scoundrels they are," returned our hero.

"Oh, they haven't told him the truth, depend upon that," said Giles Borden. "They have fixed up some story to pull the wool over his eyes. Most likely they'll tell him that I am the rascal of the party and that is why I am to be left behind."

"If the captain of the Aurora is all right, it may pay to signal to him," mused Dave. "I wish I had known of this before."

"See! see! they are hoisting the sails!" cried Phil.

"If you are going to signal to the schooner, you had better do it pretty quick," advised Roger.

"I think I will. It can't hurt much—they are going to sail away, anyhow. Come on."

All ran out on the sandy beach, and Dave discharged his shotgun twice as a signal. The others waved tree-branches and brushwood, and Phil even lit some of the latter, to make a smudge.

But if the signals were seen, no attention was paid to them. Those on the schooner continued to hoist the sails, and presently the Aurora turned away, leaving Cave Island behind.

As the schooner moved off Dave's heart sank,