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Phil and Roger were forgotten. While Dave related his story to the men, and delivered the jewels to Mr. Wadsworth, his chums had to tell about all that had occurred, to Mrs. Wadsworth and the girls. And the questions that were asked and answered would fill a chapter and more.

"And what will they do to Jasniff?" asked Laura.

"Undoubtedly put him in prison for a number of years," answered the senator's son. "And he deserves it."

"What a misspent life!" sighed Mrs. Wadsworth.

"And what about Link Merwell?" asked Jessie.

"I don't know what they'll do to him. Perhaps they won't catch him," said Phil.

"If they don't, I hope he turns over a new leaf and makes a real man of himself," said Laura.

Dave had gone to the jewelry works with the men, and soon Phil and Roger followed. Here the jewels were examined with care, being checked off on a list,—the duplicate of a receipt Oliver Wadsworth had given to the owner of the gems.

"Four stones are missing," announced the manufacturer. "And they are worth less than a thousand dollars. Dave, you certainly did well."

"We can get back at least two of those stones,"