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to eat?" demanded Buster. "I'm not going without my supper just because I can't get back."

"Perhaps we can get something at some farmhouse," suggested Phil.

"I've got an idea!" cried Dave. "Why can't we get some farmer to hook up a carriage or a sleigh and take us to the Hall that way?"

"Hurrah, just the cheese!" cried Ben, who did not relish walking such a distance. "The thing is, though, to find the farmer," he continued soberly.

"Keep your eyes open for lights," suggested Dave, and this was done.

A quarter of a mile more was covered, the students hugging the north shore of the stream, as that afforded the most shelter from the rising wind. Then Roger gave a cry.

"I think I saw a light through the snow! Just look that way, fellows, and see if I am right."

All gazed in the direction indicated, and presently three of the boys made out a glimmer, as if it came from a lantern being swung to and fro. Then the light disappeared.

"Perhaps it's some farmer going out to care for his cattle," said Dave. "Let us walk over and see," and this was done.

Dave was correct in his surmise, and soon the boys approached a big cow-shed, through a win-