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balls from a near street corner. One snowball hit Dave in the shoulder and another landed directly on Jessie's neck, causing the girl to cry out in mingled pain and alarm.

"Hi! who's throwing snowballs!" exclaimed Roger, and then came another volley, and he was hit, and also Laura and one of the other girls. At once the girls fled into the house.

"Some rowdies, I suppose," said Phil. "I've half a mind to go after them."

"We can't without our hats and coats," answered Dave.

Just then came another shower of snowballs and Dave was hit again. This was too much for him, and despite the fact that he was bare-headed and wore a fine party suit, he leaped down on the sidewalk and started for the corner. Phil and Roger came after him. Ben rushed into the hallway, to catch up two of his father's canes and his chums' hats, and then he followed.

Those who had thrown the snowballs had not dreamed of being attacked, and it was not until Dave was almost on them that they started to run. There were three boys—two rather rough-looking characters. The third was well dressed, in a fur cap and overcoat lined with fur.

"Nat Poole!" cried Dave, when he got close to the well-dressed youth. "So this is your game, eh? Because Ben didn't see fit to invite you to