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"We can do that."

When it came time to go home the girls were somewhat timid, and Jessie said she could telephone for the sleigh. But, as it was a bright, starry night, the boys said they would rather walk, and Laura said the same.

In spite of their watchfulness, the boys were full of fun, and soon had the girls laughing. And if, under those bright stars, Dave said some rather sentimental things to Jessie, for whom he had such a tender regard, who can blame him?

On the day following New Year's came word from Oak Hall that the school would not open for its next term until the first Monday in February.

"Say, that suits me down to the ground!" cried Phil.

"Well, I'm not shedding any tears," answered Roger. "I know what I'd like to do—take a trip somewhere."

"I don't know where you'd go in this winter weather," said Dave.

"Oh, some warm climate—Bermuda, or some place like that."

Another day slipped by, and Dave was asked by his father to go to one of the near-by cities on an errand of importance. He had to go to a lawyer's office and to several banks, and the errand took all day. For company he took Roger with