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Soberanes home, built by General Vallejo’s father, later coming into the owner- a As ship of the Soberanes, Spanish family. These a distinguished are typical of those old Spanish homes whose hospitable standards are still reflected in the social atmosphere of this delightful old town.

Just outside Monterey’s eastern gate is the world renowned Del Monte and the equally famous Del Monte grounds, where the world’s pleasure seekers gather throughout the year, and where one may wander amid the beauties of garden and grove. Here, in a natural park of unusual beauty, for whose adornment a world-wide arboreal and horticultural tribute was levied, the genius of man and a bountiful nature have conspired to produce a veritable fairyland.

Out in the harbor into which Vizcaino sailed in 1602, and where, from the deck of his flagship, Com- modore Sloat saw the Stars and Stripes flung to the breeze over the old Custom House in 1846, lies each day