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of these cockle-shell boats. The San Antonio, after a prolonged voyage, yet in somewhat better condition than the San Carlos, arrived at San Lucas, at the extreme point of the peninsula, on January 25, 1769. Then began in earnest the final preparations for this northern voyage, and the organization and equipment of the two land parties. Besides the usual provisions and supplies, some of which were requisitioned Missions, from the there were local stowed

in the boats church ornaments and vestments, agricultural tools, seeds and seyeral mission bells. The San Carlos was commanded by Captain Vicente AUC UWE IRAs. Vila, of the Royal Navy, with a mate and a crew of twenty-three sailors and two boys. The San Carlos also carried Lieutenant Pedro Fages—later one of California’s ablest Spanish governors—and _ twenty-five Catalan soldiers; Surgeon Pedro Prat, of the Royal Navy; Miguel Costanso, a distinguished engineer, and destined to become more distinguished, and a Fran-