Page:Dead Souls - A Poem by Nikolay Gogol - vol1.djvu/171

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one or two fingers, it makes it all the worse. If he skims the surface of some branch of knowledge, afterwards when he is in a prominent position, he'll make those who really know something of the subject feel it! And maybe he will say afterwards too: "Let me show what I can do!" And then he'll invent such a sage regulation that many people will have to smart for it. … Ough, if all men were as close-fisted …'

'The list is ready!' said Sobakevitch turning round.

'Is it ready? Please hand it over!' He ran his eyes over it and was surprised at its neatness and precision; not only the trade, the calling, the age, and family circumstances were minutely entered, but there were even marginal notes regarding behaviour and sobriety—in fact it was a pleasure to look at it.

'Now for the deposit, if you please,' said Sobakevitch.

'What do you want a deposit for? You shall have all the money at once in the town.'

'It's always done,' protested Sobakevitch.

'I don't know how I am to give it you, I have not brought any money with me. But here, I have ten roubles.'

'What's the good of ten? Give me fifty at least.'

Tchitchikov was about to protest that he had not got it; but Sobakevitch declared with such conviction that he had, that he brought out another note, saying: 'Here is another fifteen