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developed soul, was surrounded by an atmosphere of its own, unique, single, atomless, homogeneous, and elastic. This envelope is very etherial, and is called Ethylle; it connects soul with spirit, and unites all three worlds, body, soul, and spirit together, and constitutes not only the spheres, but the 'Personal Nebulæ,' out of which the immortal spark creates its surrounding sphere or world, when disembodied, and whereof it, while in the flesh, erects its stately chateaux en espagne—its castles in the air. Here was a new solution of a mystery that had troubled not only myself, but many a philosopher, and a solution, too, in perfect and strict accordance with the principles of the Great Harmonead; for the Nebulous Ocean enclosing the Spacial Halls of Deity, wherein roll the starry systems, is the ethyllic envelope of the Eternal One, is the material whereof he, through his servants, the Forces, fashioneth the mighty fabrics now floating in the azure.

Following hard upon the last great discovery, came another, not perhaps so sublime, but quite as useful; it was this: The mental effort whose results have just been recorded, had the effect of uplifting my soul, and firing it with ambition to such an extent or degree, that, seeing how little I knew, and how vast the fields of the unknown were, I regretted my poor weak human nature, and almost hating it, became impatient of restraint, because I could not take wing, and, flying to the Grand Centre, merge my being into that of God Himself, and thus become all-knowing, all-Being, all-Life. I was beset with the same sin that hurled Lucifer down from the empyreal heights of the vast heaven; and like him too, most bitterly did I regret my daring;