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of unity will connect ye over the vastest ocean of infinite space. Everything moves in elliptical orbits in the material, spiritual and affectional realms alike. In the Soul-world the foci of this ellipse are Memory and Hope. The lines constituting it are also the lines of the great Harmonead—the vast Sympathia; every human being, good as well as evil, is located on its plane, and along its wires forever is flashing love and well-wishing, and every heart must have its pulses quickened by the warm magnetic outflow. The sun's heat falls at an angle which enables Nova Zembla's icebergs to laugh at his efforts to melt them; they have laughed these myriad centuries; will laugh, perhaps, for hundreds more; yet the sun is patient, still shines on, and with such a steady radiance and blandness, that the frozen North begins to quake with apprehension lest its reign be forever closed; for somehow it begins to feel that the question of its regnancy is only one of time, and that heat is, after all, more powerful than cold, love than hatred; wherefore it must one day yield—resolve its ices into liquid flow; cause its frozen heaps o ride upon the waves toward the steaming seas; relieve the poles; let the earth swing round, and all surface-earth smile with green gladness. So with the worlds beyond. The rays of goodness have long shone upon the evil ones of the Middle State, and have bounded off again. Still around go the flashes again and again; for neither God nor true human souls grow tired of loving, even though that love be repelled seven, seventy, or seven myriads of times! Around goes the flash, and at every circuit some good is done! Navigators tell you that every year the number and bulk of icebergs from the Northern oceans increase