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the lips of the infinite God to answer—and He did! for with the weakest instruments He confounded earth's greatest and wisest men. Through a harlot's daughter was met and vanquished all opposers of His truth, that "Death was not the destiny of man;" through a barber's clerk was revealed the Hierarchy of the vast Heaven; through a country-school teacher was declared the Order and the Majesty of Being; and through the agency even of the wicked dead was demonstrated man's continued life! Spiritualism came, not as the superseder of the Christ, but as the final demonstrator of His truth. It came to transfuse new energy into man and man's religion; it comes to point the better way, and to foreshadow the radiant glories now beneath the horizon; it comes saying, 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord—make His paths straight by straightening thine own!; It comes to infuse new and glowing hope in every heart bowed down; and from the hill-tops and the valleys of the world alike, it points man's vision upward, and bids him, in the midst of all his trouble and sorrow, to 'Remember, God is there! up there! In the steep and radiant sky He paints the picture of the yet to Be, and sending spiritual duplicates thereof to His children in their deep sleep, bids the dreamer behold them, treasure their memory, and to live-live highly, purely nobly, manfully! Live, live, and die no more forever!'

Spiritualism—true Spiritualism—is one expression and element of the soul of the age-an age whose body is exceedingly corrupt; and it so quickens the intuitions of some of the watchers on the tower, that they can already see the glimmer of the rising sun of