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the beautiful ether, all was still and silent music, yet moving in Beauty, Order, and Form—which were out-creations of one Eternal Monad, self-conscious and awful—shone a sun of ineffable glory and majesty—the Omnipotent God.

This sun shines in the heaven of spirit, just as the comparatively tiny and material suns illuminate the material universe. The spiritual does not glide into the material, but is from and above it, just in the sense that the meaning of a sentence is above the sounds or characters which convey it—and in no other. The grand procession of material universes constantly sweeps along the Eternities; receive Light, Life and Love thence; fructify; incarnate the monad's Beauty, Consciousness, Form, Order, Law, Music, and Number, in human souls; and then exhaustion prepares the self-same material universes—or rather, their bases for a new infiltration—of God-Od, so to speak, differing from the last; and so on forever. One procession is one Eternity—or rather, Cycle. Thus it will be seen, by those who can grasp this tremendous thought, that all matter—the amazing system of substance, is after all, but a mere fleck—a mote in the sun-rays—a mere grain on the awful shores of the stupendous Spiritual Ocean; nor does all the matter existing, bear a greater proportion to the spiritual, than an orange does in bulk to the Rocky Mountain Chain. The material systems move near its centre, and the spiritual waves flow on all sides into the Ineffable Beyond.

The fountain, whence they flow is God! and this word "God" is a poor name. Men become "gods" in the great hereafter—gods for Good, Use and Order, or the opposite of these; but this, of which I speak, the