Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v1.djvu/235

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Monday, July 23, 1787.

The Hon. John Langdon and Nicholas Gilman, Esqrs. deputies from the state of New Hampshire, attended and took their seats.

The following credentials were produced and read. [See Credentials.]

On the question to agree to the 17th resolution, as reported from the committee of the whole house, namely, "that provision ought to be made for the amendment of the articles of union whensoever it shall seem necessary," it passed unanimously in the affirmative.

It was moved and seconded to add, after the word "states," in the 18th resolution, the words "and of the national government," which passed in the affirmative.

On the question to agree to the 18th resolution, as amended, namely, "that the legislative, executive, and judiciary powers within the several states, and of the national government, ought to be bound by oath to support the articles of union," it passed unanimously in the affirmative.

It was moved and seconded to strike the following words out of the 19th resolution, reported from the committee of the whole house, namely, "to an assembly or assemblies of representatives, recommended by the several legislatures, to be expressly chosen by the people to consider and decide thereon;" which passed in the negative.

Yeas: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, 3. Nays: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 7.

On the question to agree to the 19th resolution, as reported from the committee of the whole house, namely,—

"Resolved, That the amendments which shall be offered to the Confederation by the Convention ought, at a proper time or times after the approbation of Congress, to be submitted to an assembly or assemblies of representatives, recommended by the several legislatures, to be expressly chosen by the people to consider and decide thereon,"
it passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 9. Nay: Delaware, 1.

It was moved and seconded to agree to the following resolution, namely:—

"Resolved, That the representation in the second branch of the legislature of the United States consist of members from each state, who shall vote per capita."