Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v1.djvu/282

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[August 24,

It was moved and seconded to strike out the 2d and 3d sections of the 9th article; which passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, 8. Nays: North Carolina, Georgia, 2.

Separate questions being taken on the 1st, 2d, and 3d clauses of the 1st section, 10th article, as reported, they passed in the affirmative.

It was moved and seconded to strike out the word "legislature," and to insert the word "people," in the 1st section, 10th article; which passed in the negative.

Yeas: Pennsylvania, Delaware, 2. Nays: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 9.

It was moved and seconded to insert the word "joint" before the word "ballot," in the 1st section of the 10th article; which passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 7. Nays: Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Georgia, 4.

It was moved and seconded to add, after the word "legislature," in the 1st section, 10th article, the words "each state having one vote;" which passed in the negative.

Yeas: Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia, 5. Nays: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 6.

It was moved and seconded to insert, after the word "legislature," in the 1st section of the 10th article, the words "to which election a majority of the votes of the members present shall be required;" which passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 10. Nay: New Jersey, 1.

On the question to agree to the following clause,—
"and in case the numbers for the two highest in votes should be equal, then the president of the Senate shall have an additional casting voice,"
it passed in the negative.

It was moved and seconded to agree to the following amendment to the 1st section of the 10th article: "shall be chosen by electors to be chosen by the people of the several states;" which passed in the negative.

Yeas: Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia,