Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v5.djvu/131

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amounted to no more than a simple affirmation, or summary repetition, of the fact that the said seven states voted in the manner stated!!!

Thursday, April 26.

The question on the motion to repeal the rule was called for after some little conversation. Mr. CLARK moved that it might be postponed, which was agreed to.

Nothing further was done in this business till Wednesday, May 2d, when Mr. Madison left New York for the convention to be held in Philadelphia.

It was considered, on the whole, that the project for shutting the Mississippi was at an end—a point deemed of great importance in reference to the approaching convention for introducing a change in the federal government, and to the objection to an increase of its powers, foreseen from the jealousy which had been excited by that project.60

vol. v.14