Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v5.djvu/631

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APPEAL, COURT OF, under the Confederation, 2. Judges elected, 11.

APPELLATE jurisdiction of the national judiciary, 131, 159, 192, 205, 208, 380, 483, 484, 563.

APPLICATION to Congress to subdue insurrection, 130, 378, 437, 497, 534, 564. Of the states to Congress to remove the President, 147. Of the states to Congress for a Convention to amend the Constitution, 381, 498, 551, 564.

APPOINTMENTS, danger of conferring the power of, on the President, 154, 399. The responsibility of the President in its exercise, 349. Of the President, 128, 140, 142, 143, 322, 358, 363, 370, 380, 471, 507, 512, 515, 562. Of the Vice-President, 507, 508, 520, 522, 562. Of an executive council, 446, 462, 525. Of senators by the President, 167. Of judges, 128, 131, 155, 156, 188, 205, 238, 349, 350, 376, 378, 379, 468, 469, 507, 524, 562. Of a treasurer, by ballot, 130, 378, 436. Of ambassadors, 131, 379, 467, 469, 507, 524, 562. Of heads of departments, 446. Of officers in the militia, 443, 451, 464, 561. Of state executives by the general government, 205, 468. By the President, with the advice of the Senate, 131, 205, 328, 349, 507, 516, 524, 562. By the President, 141, 190, 192, 325, 334, 376, 380, 421, 446, 474, 505, 517, 550, 562. By the Senate, 131, 144, 156, 317, 328, 379, 467, 507, 508, 509, 513, 516, 525. By Congress, 127, 140, 147, 190, 192, 322, 335, 358, 366, 369, 375, 380, 382, 442, 472, 507, 508, 510, 513, 520, 525, 550. By an equal vote of the states, 266. By the courts, 550, 563. By the heads of departments, 550, 563. By the state authorities to national offices, 475, 479. Not to be made to offices not previously created by law, 474, 528, 529, 563.

APPORTIONMENT. See Quota, Proportion. Of the Senate to be made after a census by the representatives, 131. Of the Senate into classes, 129, 270, 377, 559. Of representatives by a periodical census, 129, 131, 279, 280, 288, 316, 375, 377, 392, 559. Slaves to be considered in making that of representatives, 288, 290, 295, 296, 316, 375, 379, 391, 553, 559. Of representatives before a census, 129, 288, 290, 316, 375, 377, 541, 547, 553, 559. Of electors of the President, 338, 339, 507, 520, 562. Of direct taxation to be in proportion to representation, 304, 305, 306, 316, 375, 379, 391, 545, 559. Of taxation before a census, 306, 307, 357, 451, 452, 559. Of the adjustment of the state debts according to the rule of representation and taxation, 452.

APPROPRIATIONS, to be made by law whenever money is drawn from the treasury, 274, 316, 375, 377, 415, 420, 427, 510, 529, 561. To be limited in their duration, 510, 561.

ARISTOCRACY, 271, 283, 386, 394, 418, 419, 420, 513.

ARMAND, mutinous conduct of the troops in his legion, 92.

ARMING the militia, 130, 443, 451, 464, 544, 561.

ARMY, to be called out by Congress against a state failing in its constitutional duty, 128, 378. To be raised by Congress, 130. 379, 442, 510, 553, 561. To be commanded by the President, 131, 380, 562. To be superintended by a secretary of war, 446. Not to be kept by the states, 131, 205, 381, 548, 561. Officers of, not to be members of Congress, 422, 425. Provision as to a standing army, 442, 445, 466, 511, 544.

ARMY, AMERICAN, very much discontented, 23, 50, 66, 92. Goes into winter quarters, 1. Promotion should not be by districts, 10. Sends a memorial to Congress, 20. Conferences of deputies from the army with committee of Congress, 21, 23, 26. Suggestion to fund the debt due to it, 23, 51. Plan of settlement of its arrears, 30, 36, 51, 57, 59, 83. Proposal to appropriate the proceeds of impost to it, 51. Its determination to have provision for its pay, 55, 73. Reorganization of military affairs, 82. Satisfaction of, announced to Congress, 82. Amount of the army debt in 1783, 83. Furloughs granted, 87. Indemnity to officers of, 88. Mode of disbanding, it, 89, 90. Proposal to give them certificates for land, 90. Mutinous conduct of the Pennsylvania troops, 92, 93. Enlistment of troops on account of the insurrection in Massachusetts, 94, 99. Troops kept by the states without the assent of Congress, 119.

ARMY, FRENCH, proposal to employ a legion of, in retaking goods seized while under passport, 50.

ARNOLD, JONATHAN, represents Rhode Island in Congress, 1. His correspondence about Vermont, 31. Opposes the commutation of half pay, 45.

ARREARS to the army very large, 50, 51. Some provision for, asked, 24. Report for their settlement, 29, 30. Proposal to pay those to the army first, 51. Mode of settlement, 30, 31, 44, 57, 59, 64, 83. Amount in 1783, 83. Unprovided for in 1787, 119.

ARREST, freedom from, 130, 378, 445, 560.

ARSENALS, may be provided by Congress, 130. Jurisdiction in, to be exercised by Congress, 130, 511, 561.

ARTICLES. See Provisional.

ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, reported in Congress, 110. Adopted, 111. Fifth article, 106. Eighth article, 21, 24, 63. Ninth article, 28, 36, 55, 88, 92, 102, 103. Twelfth article, 57. Rules of voting under, 61, 88, 92. Their violation by the states, 206, 208, 214. Necessity of enlarging them, 127. Amendment of them, 34, 63, 127, 191, 193, 197, 354.

ASGILL, CAPTAIN. Congress discusses the question of, 2. He is released by Congress, 2.

ASSAULT on members of Congress, 445.

ASSENT, of the states to the Constitution, 541. Of the Congress of the Confederation to the Constitution, 532. Of Congress and the state legislatures to a division of the states, 381, 493, 563. Of the Senate to treaties, 205, 507, 524, 562. Of the states to purchases by Congress, 511, 561. Of the states of certain acts of Congress, 552, 564. Of the states to amendments of the Constitution, 132, 381, 564. Of both Houses to an adjournment beyond a certain period, 130, 378, 560. Of Congress necessary to certain acts by the states, 131, 381, 484, 486, 548, 549, 561. Of Congress to amendments of the Constitution, 128, 157, 182, 564. Of the Senate to pardons, 480. Of the Senate to appointments, 131, 205, 329, 349, 507, 523, 562.

ASSOCIATION, to promote American manufactures, proposed in the Federal Convention, 540.

ASSUMPTION, of the engagements of the Confederation, 128, 157, 190, 332, 440, 441, 451, 471, 564. Of the debts of the states, 441, 451, 452, 471.

ATTAINDER, not to work corruption of blood or forfeiture beyond the life of the party, 379, 451, 563. Bills of, not to be passed, 462, 485, 528, 545, 546, 561.

ATTENDANCE of members of Congress to bo

provided for, 406, 560.

ATHENIANS, 159, 162, 252, 398.

AUSTRIA, her mediation, 1. Commercial treaty with, 52.

AUTHORS, protection of by Congress, 440, 511, 561.


BALDWIN, ABRAHAM, attends the Federal Convention, 178. Views on the mode of electing the President, 509. Thinks there should he a representation of property in the Senate, 260. Views as to the eligibility of members of Congress to office, 505, 542. Thinks the qualification as to citizenship should apply as much to the