Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v5.djvu/641

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members of Congress, 373. Wishes the day of the meeting of Congress to be fixed, 383, 384. Is opposed to a tax on exports, 433, 454. Wishes to withhold from Congress the power of making paper money, 435. Desires to limit the interference of the general government to subdue rebellion, 438. Remarks on a provision for requiring Congress to assume the state debts, 441. Views as to the extent to which the power over the militia should be given to Congress, 443, 444, 464, 465. Thinks sumptuary laws unnecessary, 447. Views as to the provision relative to treason, 448, 450. Wishes a rule provided for adjusting the debts of the states, 452. Views on the apportionment of taxation before a census, 452. Approves of the prohibition of Congress to tax the migration or importation of slaves, 457, 458. In favor of a compromise on the subject of navigation, exports, and slaves, 461. Remarks on ex post facto laws, 462. Views in regard to the fulfilment of the engagements of the Confederation, 463. Opposes a negative of Congress on the state laws, 468. Prefers that the nomination of judges should be by the Senate, subject to the President's approval, 350. Prefers a ratification of the Constitution by the state legislatures, 214, 352.

EMBARGO. 455, 486.

EMANCIPATION, provision in regard to it, 357.

EMIGRANTS, restrictions on them, 389, 398, 411.

EMISSION, plans for fixing its value and redeeming it, 7, 14. Difficulties in regard to, under the Confederation, 112, 120. Of bills of credit by Congress under the Constitution, 130, 378, 434. Of bills of credit by the states, 131, 171, 381, 484, 546, 561. Of paper money, an aggression by the states, 208.

ENCOURAGEMENT, of authors, 440, 561. Of agriculture, 446. Of manufactures, 446, 486.

ENCROACHMENT, of the general government on the states, 139, 161, 164, 168, 170, 176, 217, 221, 224, 238, 249, 320, 462, 535. Of the states on the general government, 168, 172, 199, 200, 207, 208, 221, 248, 257. Of the executive on the Senate, 186. Of the executive, legislature, and judiciary, on each other, 344, 429. Of the legislature on other departments, 346, 361, 430, 473.

ENEMY, captures from, 128, 130, 378, 561. Adherence to, constitutes treason, 130, 379, 448, 563.

ENFORCEMENT, of treaties by Congress, 130, 379, 467. Of laws by the executive, 343, 376, 380, 553.

ENGAGEMENTS of the Confederation to be fulfilled, 128, 157, 190, 333, 440, 451, 463, 469, 471, 475, 564. Assumption of those of the states, 441, 451, 471.

ENLISTMENT of troops on account of the insurrection in Massachusetts, 94, 99.

ENTRANCE of vessels trading between the states, 479, 484, 502, 545, 561.

ENUMERATION, triennial, proposed under Confederation, 64. Made by Congress in 1783, 82. Of the people to be made under the Constitution, 129, 130, 279, 288, 294, 303, 306, 316, 375, 377, 379, 451, 545, 559. Of the powers of Congress, 139, 286, 317, 378, 560.

EQUALITY. Mr. Madison objects to it under the Federal Constitution, 107. Of the vote of each state under the Constitution insisted on by Delaware, 124, 134, 173. Of the vote of each state in the Convention discussed, 125, 194. Of senators from each state, 138, 181, 260, 261, 274, 317, 356, 375, 377, 416, 559. Of the vote of each state in the Senate, 274, 285, 311, 317, 394, 552, 559. In the proportion of representation for black and white inhabitants contended for, 296, 301, 305. Of representation of each state in Congress, 134, 173, 175, 249, 250. Of ratio of representation in both branches of Congress, 182, 190, 195, 251, 259. Of vote in Congress when balloting for a President, 473. Of vote in Congress in certain specified cases, 266. Of the regulations of trade between the states, 479, 560.

EQUALIZATION of the states proposed, 194, 211, 280.

EQUESTRIAN STATUE proposed of Gen. Washington, 88.

EQUIPMENT of fleets by Congress, 130, 379, 561.

EQUITY, courts of, to be established by Congress, 131. Judicial power to extend to, 481, 563.

ERECTION of fortifications by Congress, 130.

ESTABLISHMENT, of peace discussed, 82. Of a seat of government, 130, 439. Of the judiciary by Congress, 131, 159, 376, 378, 560. Of post-offices by Congress, 130, 378, 434, 560. Of post and military roads by Congress, 130, 434, 440, 560. Of a university and seminaries by Congress, 130, 440. Of institutions to promote science, 440. Of territorial governments, 439, 564.

EUROPE, effect of the American revolution on, 575.

EUSTIS, Dr., letter, relative to Mr. Hamilton's plan of a constitution, (Appendix, No. V.,) 584.

EVACUATION, of Charleston, 25. Of the posts held by the British, 88.

EVIDENCE required in cases of treason, 130, 379, 449, 563.

EXCHANGE, debates as to the mode of exchanging prisoners, 1. Of Cornwallis for Col. H. Laurens. 6, 7. Partial exchanges disapproved, 1, 25. Provision in the Constitution relative to bills of, 488.

EXCISE, proposed, 40. To be laid and collected by Congress, 130, 378, 432, 506, 560.

EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction of Congress in dockyards, arsenals, and fortifications, 130, 511, 561. Jurisdiction of Congress at the seat of government, 130, 373, 439, 511, 512, 561. Power of declaring war in the Senate, 131. Power of making treaties in the Senate, 131, 379. Power of appointing ambassadors in the Senate, 131, 379. Power of appointing supreme judges in the Senate, 131, 376, 379. Origination of money bills, 188, 316, 375, 377, 394, 410, 415, 427, 452, 510, 560. Power of the United States relative to treason, 488.

EXECUTION, of its general powers by Congress, 130, 379, 561. Of the laws by the President, 343, 376, 380, 563. Of judgments of other states, 488, 504.

EXECUTIVE, directions to, should be more precise, 4. Conduct of that of Pennsylvania in regard to the mutiny of the troops, 92, 93. Mr. Madison's views of a national one, 108. Mr. Jefferson's opinions of a national one, 573. Style and title of it, 131, 380, 471. Its power ought not to be dangerously extended, 140. Its independence of the other branches, 141, 142, 143, 165, 334, 335, 341, 345, 473, 509, 510. Danger of making it too powerful, 148, 153, 155. Necessity of strengthening it, 334. Necessary to support it in a republic, 164. Responsibility should be enforced, 165. An hereditary one the best model, 203. Age and qualifications, 462, 507, 562. Election by the legislature, 128, 140, 142, 145, 190, 192, 332, 335, 358, 365, 369, 375, 380, 382, 472, 508, 510, 513. Election by the people, 142, 143, 145, 205, 329, 335, 364, 368, 472. Election by the Senate, 144. Election of, by electors chosen by the state executives, 174, 337, 364, 368. Election by electors chosen by the people, 144, 205, 338, 339, 368, 473, 507, 512, 530, 552. Election by electors chosen by the state legislatures, 324, 338, 357, 368. Election by the state legislatures in a certain ratio, 359. Election by electors, taken by lot from the national legislature, 360. Number of which it shall consist, 140, 149, 165, 192, 195, 197, 205, 322, 358, 375, 380, 471, 562. Term of office, 128, 131, 140, 142, 149, 190, 199, 203, 204,