Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v5.djvu/659

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195, 340, 369, 376, 380, 480, 507, 528, 562. Of heads of departments, 446. Of the judges, 447, 462, 481. In cases of impeachment, 529, 559.

REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, on affairs of Vermont, 4, 8, 10. On case of Capt. Asgill, 2. On proposal of Pennsylvania to pay public creditors within the state, 5, 10. On salaries of foreign ministers, 5. On exchange of Cornwallis for Col. Laurens, 6. On rate of depreciation of paper money, 18. On valuation of land as basis of permanent revenue, 21, 43, 46, 48, 50. On the embarrassed state of the treasury, 22. Against increase of foreign loans, 26. On errors in transcribing treaty with the Dutch, 27. In favor of purchasing books, 27.

REPORTS OF DEBATES, character of Mr. Madison's, 121. Mr. Madison's mode of taking them, 121. In the Congress of the Confederation from 4th November, 1783, to 21st June, 1783, 1 to 94. In the Congress of the Confederation from 19th February, 1787, to 26th April, 1787, 94 to 105. In the Federal Convention from 14th May, 1787, to 17th September, 1787, 123 to 565.

REPRESENTATION, Mr. Madison's views of what it should be under the Federal Constitution, 107, 108. Ratio of, in the House of Representatives, 129, 134, 149, 177, 178, 181, 190, 219, 238, 288, 290, 316, 375, 377, 379, 459, 512, 530, 534, 558. Whether it should be different in the Constitution and Confederation, 134, 190, 248, 250, 251, 270. Delaware insists upon an equality of, among the states, 134, 135, 173. Ought to be in proportion to the number of people, 120, 161, 176, 190, 196, 205, 219, 280, 316, 375, 377, 379. That in the Senate should be proportional as well as in the House, 138, 166, 167, 190, 238. Of states in the Senate according to their importance, 174, 276. Equality of, in Congress, 134, 173, 175, 177. Ought to be in proportion to contribution, 178, 181, 288. Ought to be in proportion to the number of freemen and three fifths of the slaves, 181, 190, 192, 316, 375, 377, 379, 391, 558. Ought to be in the same ratio in both Houses, 182. Difficulty of adjusting it, 211, 249, 288, 294. Whether it ought to be proportioned equally among the states, 134, 135, 173, 190, 196, 211, 219, 238, 248, 251, 260, 270, 311. Equality of, in the Senate, 138, 181, 260, 261, 274, 285, 311, 317, 376, 377, 396, 416. Plan for compromise between the large and email states in regard to it, 260, 266, 270, 273, 274, 311, 316, 318, 319, 394, 396, 411, 418. Of the states in the Senate should be according to their property, 260, 276. Ought to be in proportion to property, 278, 281, 297. Ought to be apportioned by a periodical census, 129, 130, 131, 279, 288, 293, 294, 302, 308, 316, 375, 377, 379, 559. Whether there should be a distinction between the new and old states, 279, 288, 298, 299, 310. Of the political character of the states in the Senate, 415.

REPRESENTATIVES, election of, by the people, 127, 129, 135, 136, 163, 189, 205, 223, 375, 377, 559. To be elected by the state legislatures, 136, 137, 160, 177, 223, 266. Term of, 127, 129, 183, 189, 205, 224, 375, 377, 559. Age of, 127, 129, 184, 228, 375, 377, 559. Qualifications of, 127, 129, 137, 189, 205, 370, 375, 377, 389, 402, 559. Compensation of, 127, 130, 189, 226, 233, 375, 378, 560. Ineligibility of, to office, 127, 130, 185, 189, 229, 230, 375, 378, 420, 503, 505, 560. Reflection of, 127, 185, 189. Recall of, 127, 185. May originate acts, 127, 375, 378. To form a branch of Congress, 127, 129, 375, 377, 558. Qualifications of electors of, 129, 377, 385, 558. Number of, before a census, 129, 288, 290, 316, 375, 377, 559. Future number of, 129, 131, 149, 178, 238, 279, 280, 288, 294, 304, 375, 377, 379, 452, 512, 530, 534, 557. To originate money bills, 129, 188, 274, 282, 310, 316, 375, 377, 394, 410, 415, 428, 452, 510, 529, 560. To possess the power of impeachment, 129, 131, 341, 377, 462, 559. To choose their own officers, 129, 377, 559. To choose senators, 127, 129, 131. Their election to be regulated by the states, 129, 378. To judge of the election, qualification, and return of their members, 129, 378, 559. A majority of, to be a quorum, 130, 378, 560. Their privileges, 130, 378, 445. To keep and publish a journal, 130, 378, 559. Cannot adjourn beyond a certain period, or to another place, without the assent of the Senate, 130, 378, 406, 409, 560, 563. May repass acts returned by the President, 130, 376, 378, 560. Their general legislative power, 130, 375, 378, 560. Their speaker to fill the vacancy in the presidency, 131. Shall apportion the senators after a census, 131. Whether the ought to be proportional among the states, 196, 219, 238, 248, 250, 288. Not to be electors of President, 243. Property qualifications of, 377, 402. Vacancies of, supplied, 377, 395, 559. Previous term of citizenship, 377, 389, 558. May require the opinions of the judges, 445. Number from the large states to be limited, 452. To choose the President, 519, 520. To participate in the treaty power, 523. First election of, under the new Constitution, 381, 502.

REPRIEVE, granted by President, 131, 380, 480, 549, 562. Not to extend to impeachments, 131, 380, 480.

REPRISAL, letters of, not to be granted by a state, 131, 381, 561. Power of Congress over letters of, 440, 441, 510, 561.

REPUBLIC, alarm of the friends of, towards the close of the Confederation, 120. Must be the basis of our institutions, 127, 148, 216. Guarantied to each state, 128, 157, 182, 190, 332, 381, 564. Unfit for an extended country, 202. Liable to intrigues of foreigners, 203. Fate of that form of government involved in the decision of the Convention, 244, 268.

REQUISITIONS, of Congress on the states, 112. Revision of, proposed, 16. Their inadequacy to supply the treasury, 113, 119, 126. Their inefficiency under the Confederation, 126, 200, 201. New mode of, proposed, 180, 192, 453. Were regulated by temporary circumstances, 453.

RESIGNATION, of Robert Morris, 29. Of R. R. Livingston, 9. Of President provided for, 131, 380, 480, 507, 520, 522, 562. Of senators, 129, 377, 395, 559. Of representatives, 377, 559.

RESIDENT, representatives must be, 129, 377, 389, 559. Senators must be, 129, 377, 401, 559. A member of Congress under the Confederation need not be, 210. President to be, 462, 507, 562.

RESPONSIBILITY, of each department of government to be preserved, 164, 165, 327, 329. Of executive lessened by a council, 150, 165. Of executive in making appointments, 350, 523. Of the heads of departments, 446.

RETALIATION, in case of Capt. Huddey, 2. Mode of, discussed in Congress, 3.

REVENUE, necessity of a plan of, under the Confederation, 112. A plan of permanent revenue proposed, 18, 32, 39, 49, 51, 55, 62, 63, 66, 72, 77, 112. Proceedings of states in regard to it, 113. Its exhausted condition, 106. Cases of, within jurisdiction of national judiciary, 128, 190, 192. Manner of raising it, 201, 506. Provisions in regard to bills for, 415. Objections to a perpetual one, 440. Superintendence of plans relative to, 446.

REVISION, executive, and certain number of judiciary to possess the power of, in all legislative acts, 128, 151, 153, 155, 164, 195, 344, 378. Of legislative acts by the President, 130, 151, 154, 190, 195, 376, 378, 379, 534, 536, 560. Of state laws by Congress, 128, 132, 140, 171. Of the amended draught of the Constitution referred to a committee, 530.

REVOLUTION, effect of American, in Europe, 575. Blessings of, 117.

RHODE ISLAND, will not grant impost, 11, 13, 40. Her delegates in Congress, November, 1782, 1. Opposes forcible measures against Vermont, 10, 12. Statement of loans transmitted to her, 16. Opposes commutation of half pay, 44, 57. Interested in general revenue, 59. Views on the conduct of Mr. Howell, 80. Number of inhabit-

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