Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v5.djvu/667

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352. Objects to a prohibition to tax exports, 433, 455. Views on the provision respecting treason, 448, 449, 450. Objects to prohibiting a tax on the importation of slaves, 459. Objects to a vote of two thirds to pass a navigation act, 461, 490. His views in regard to attainders and ex post facto laws, 463. Opposes the proposition to allow the states to appoint to national offices, 475. Doubts whether habeas corpus should ever be suspended, 484. Desires an absolute prohibition on the states relative to paper money, 484. Thinks the states should be prohibited from passing laws impairing private contracts, 485. Thinks the territorial rights of the United States and individual states should not be altered, 494, 496. Views as to the effect of judicial acts of the several states among each other, 504. Views as to the treaty power, 523, 524, 596. Proposes the appointment of the judges by the President, 155. Advocates a national judiciary, 159. Objects to the appointment of the judges by the Senate alone, 328. Objects to the removal of the judges on application of Congress, 481. Proposes the assent of three fourths of the states as necessary to future amendments, 531. Views as to the mode of ratifying the Constitution, 498, 499, 500. Thinks unanimity of the slates in ratifying the Constitution should not be required, 153. Signs the Constitution, 565. Is not a native of the United States, 413.

WITHERSPOON, DR. JOHN, represents New Jersey in Congress, 1.

WOLCOTT, OLIVER, opposes disclosure of negotiations relative to confiscations and British debts, 26. Remarks on Virginia repealing the impost, 33, 41. Objects to crediting states with the revenue collected on their imposts, 41. Objects to coercive measures against Vermont, 44. Opposes commutation of half pay, 45, 57. Opposes valuation of lands by commissioners appointed by states, 48. Opposes alteration of impost, 49, 54. Remarks on conduct of American commissioners at Paris, 68, 73, 74.

WYNKOOP, HENRY, represents Pennsylvania in Congress, 1.

WYTHE, GEORGE, attends the Federal Convention, 123. Appointed on committee to prepare rules for the Convention, 124. Reports rules for the Convention, 126, 124.


YATES, ROBERT, attends the Federal Convention, 123.

YEAS AND NAYS, objected to in the Convention, 124. Rule, requiring them, rejected, 124. To be entered on the Journal of Congress, 139, 378, 407, 560.