Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/160

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88 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. CARNWATH, EARL OF. (DALZELL.) HARRY BURBA RD DALZELL, 14th Earl in the peerage of Scotland, and a Baronet, son of the 10th Earl. Born Nov. llth, 1804; succeeded his brother 1875. For- merly Col. in the Bengal Artillery: mar- ried (1827) Isabella, who died 1867, only daughter of the Rev. Alexander Campbell, and has issue, living, Daughter, Edith Isabella, b. 18. Brother living, Robert Alexander George, C.B., heir presumptive, l>. 1816 ; late of the Grenadier Guards, and previously Lieut.-Col. commanding the Highland Dep6t Battalion at Malta and the 63rd Foot; retired from the Arrny 185/ ; served in the Crimea, and was present at the battles of Alma, Inkermann, and Balaklava, and at the siege and fall of Sebastopol ; has the Crimean medal and four clasps, and the Sardinian and Turkish war medals ; is a Knk'ht of the Medjidie : m. 1846, Sarah Bushby, daughter of Jo! n Harris, Esq., of Eldou House, London, Caaada, and has with other issue, Robert Harris Carnwath, b. 184;. Residence, Torquay, Devon. Sister living, Emma Maria. anus, Sable : a naked man in pale, proper. (Crest, A dagger erect, proper, pomel and hilt, or. uppc:tm$ Two men in complete armour, the visors of their helmets up, each having a shield on the exterior arm, and holding a spear in the interior hand, all proper. Creations, Baron Dalzell and Libberton, lfi-28, Karl of Carnwath, in the peerage of Scotland, l63y. A Baronet of Nova Scotia, 1666. Robert, the 6th Earl, had his titles for- feited by attainder, but they were restored to the family, 1826. Town Residence, 23, Eaton Place, S.W. Club, United Service. CARNWATH, Earl of, His lordship's predecessor was his brother, Arthur Alexander, 13th Earl. He was b. Sept. 15, 1799, and succeeded his nephew 18/3. Entered the Army 181Q, became Lieut. 1824/Capt. 1826, Major 1841, Lieut.-Col. the same year, Col. of the 48th Foot 1865, Lieut. -Gen. 1865, Gen. 18/3. Commanded at Shornclifle 18615, and previously the Cork and Dublin Districts and Divisions. He d. unmarried 18/5. CARNWATH, Dowager Countess of, ISABELLA, daughter of the late Col. Eardley Wilmot, and widow of John Hartpole Lecky, Esq.: m. 1855, as his 2nd wife, the llth Earl of Carnwath, who d. 1867. Residence, 15, Cromwell Place, South Kensington, W. Be steadfast. CARRICK, EARL OF. (BUTLER.) SOMERSET ARTHUR BUTLER, 5th Earl, in the peerage of Ireland, son of Som- erset Richard, 3rd Earl. Born Jan. 30th, 1835; succeeded his brother in 1846; was educated at Harrow; entered the Grenadier Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1853, became Lieut, and Capt. 1856, and retired, 1862. Served during the Crimean war ; was present at the siege of Sebas- topol, and has received the Crimean medal and clasp. Heir presumptive, Charles Henry Somerset, son of Capt. Charles Geo. Butler, of the 86th Foot,