Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/46

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Vlll PREFACE. Musgrave, and Prideaux) became extinct ; one beir-apparent to a peerage (Viscount G-rey de Wilton) was created a peer during the lifetime of his father; two Scotcb earls (Dalbousie and Home) were promoted to Englisb peerages,* and the dor- mant Scotcb barony of Belbaven and Stenton was revived ; one gentleman (Barttelott) was created a baronet, 9 new members (Baggallay,Bentinck,Coucb, Keating, Lome, Murray, Oroasby, Shrewsbury, and Thynne) were sworn Privy Councillors, and 32 gentlemen (Bagbie, Brawn, Buckle, Cadogan, Cole, Collin- son, Cuppage, Daly, Du Cane, Ellis, Field, Gartb, Giffard, Gregory, Holdicb, Haly, Huddleston, Like, Lindley, Loring, Macleay, Mitcbell, Ricbardson, R >biason, Sladen, Sotbeby, Souter, Tarville, Yogel, Wade, Walton, and Wilson) received tbe bonour of knigbtbood. For the courteous aid rendered to me by many noblemen and otbers, I offer my cordial tbanks, anl soliciting early information respecting future promotions, birtbs, marriages, deatbs, &c., I bave the bonour to subscribe myself THE EDITOR,

  • Dai-ing the passage of the work through the press several creations and

promotions have been made in the peerage, but these having been gazetted in 1876 will be found under the heading of " Occurrences during Printing."