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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE, 499 m! 5 Sable three swords in pile, points downwards, proper, pommels and hilts, or. ret A* falcon, wings displayed, or, belled, of the same, and ducally collared, gules. Shorter* Two hinds, purpure, semee of estoiles, and ducally gorged, or. Seat, Amport St. Mary's, Andover, Hampshire. Town Residence, IE, Albany, Piccadilly, W. , Travellers', White's. Conscious of no guilt. WINCHESTEE, Marquess of, His lordship's predecessor was his father, Charles Ingoldsby, 1 3th Marquess of Winchester, b. Jan. 30, 1765; succeeded his father, AwUM 1800 m July 31, 1800, Anne, daughter of the late John Andrews, Esq. of Shotney- hall, (she d. 1841) ; and d. Nov. 29, y 843, having issue five sons and two daughters. WINCHILSEA AND NOTTINGHAM, EARL OF. (FINCH-HATTON.) GEORGE JAMES FINCH-HATTON, 10th Earl of Winchilsea and 6th Earl of Not- tingham, and a Baronet. Born May 31st, 1815; succeeded his father in 1858; was educated at Eton, and at Christ Church, Oxford, (B.A. 2nd class in Classics, 1835) ; was M.P. for Northamptonshire, 1837 41 ; is Hereditary Lord of the Royal Manor of Wye, and a Magistrate for Northamptonshire : married (1846) Lady Constance Henrietta Paget, 2nd daughter of the 2nd Marquess of Anglesey, and has issue, living, Son, George William Heneage, Viscount Maidstone, b. 1852; became Cornet in the West Kent Militia, 1871. Daughters, Constance Eleanora Caroline, b. 1847, TO. 1871, (Howard.) Hilda Jane Sophia, b. 1856. Sister living, Caroline, b. 1816, TO. 183", (Turnor). H'llf -Brothers living, Murray Edward Gordon, b. 1851. Henry Stormont, b. 1852. Harold Heneage, b. 1856. H'llf-Sister living, Evelyn Georgiana, b. 1854. Patron of four livings, Wye, V. Eastwell, R. Eastling, R. Kent. Great Weldon, R. Northamptonshire. Creations, Viscount Maidstone, 1623, Earl of Winchilsea, 1628, Baron Finch of Daventry, 1674, Earl of Nottingham, 1681, in the peerage of England. A Baronet, 1611 and 1660. arms, Quarterly : 1st and 4th, azure, a chevron between three garbs, or, Hatton; 2nd and 3rd, argent, a chevron between three griffins passant, sable, Finch. ffiregts, i*t, a. fawn, trippant, or, Hatton; 2nd, a pegasus, courant, argent, wings expanded, or. Supporter?, Dexter, a pegasus, wings elevated, argent, ducally gorged, or; sinister, a grimn, wings elevated, sable, gorged as the dexter. Sent, Eastwell Park, Ashford, Kent. Town Address, 91, Victoria-street, S.W. Club, Carlton. WINCHILSEA, Earl of, His hrdsh'p's predecessor was his father, George William, 9th Earl of Winchilsea and 5th Earl of Nottingham. He was b. May ip, 1791, and succeeded his cousin, Aug. 2, 1826: m. 1st, July 26, 1814, Lady Georgiana Charlotte Graham, daughter of the 3rd Duke of Montrose, (she d. 1835), and by her had issue a sou and a daughter; 2ndly, Feb. 15, 1837, Emily Georgiana, daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot, G.C.B (she d. 1848), without issue; Srdly, Oct. 17, 1849, Fanny Margaretta, daughter of E. R. Rice, Esq., of Dane-court : and d. Jan. 8, J858, having 1 Uad issue from his last marriage three sons and a daughter.