Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/596

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5 2 4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE and Feb. 1874. 32a, Mount Street, W. ; A thence urn Club. BRODRICK, Hon. Henry, son of the 7th Viscount Midleton ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Oxford ; has been in the 6oth Rifles, and a Clerk in the Admiralty : m. (i) 1862 Kath- leen Henrietta Frances (who d. 1867), da. of the late Richard Brouncker, Esq., of Boveridge, Dorset ; (2) 1869 Alice, da. of Capt. Alfred Chapman, of Eaton Place, 41, Bryanston Street, W. ; Windham Club. BRODRICK, Hon. William St. John Fremantle, h.a. to the 8th Vis- count Midleton. BROOKE, Lady Arabella Georgina, da. of the nth Earl of Huntingdon : m. 1833 George Frederick Brooke, Esq. (who d. 1874). Ashbrooke, Co. Fermanagh. BROOKE, Hon. Lady Catherine DE CAPELL-, da. of the 2nd Baron Sondes : m. 1829 Sir William De- Capell-Brooke, 3rd Bart. Great Oak- lev Hall, Northampton; The Elms, Market Harborough ; Aghadoe, Cork. BROOKE, Hon. Henrietta, da. of the 3rd Viscount Monck : m. 1848 Francis Rd. Brooke, Esq. (who d. 1867). Summerton, Dublin. BROOKE, Hon. Kathleen, da. of 4th Viscount Hawarden : m. 1875 Gerald Richard Brooke, Esq., second son of the late Francis Brooke, Esq., of Summertown, Co. Dublin. BROOKE, Lady Wilhelmina, da. of the 4th Earl of Dartmouth : m. 1874 John To wnshend Brooke, Esq., el. son of the Rev. John Brooke, of Haughton, Salop. BROUGHAM, Hon. Henry Charles, h.a. to the 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux. BROUGHAM, Hon. Wilfrid son of the 2nd Baron Brougham and Vaux ; b. 1842 ; formerly Lieut. i7th Lancers ; m. 1863 Francesca, only child of Gaetano Vignati, Esq. BROWN, Hon. Mary Anne, da. of the 2nd Baron Abercromby : m. 1857 Col. Nicholas Brown. 4, Cleve- land Row, S. W. BROWNE, Hon. Anne, da. of the 2nd Baron Castlemaine : m. (i) 1830 Col. Sempronius Stretton, C.B. (he d. 1842) ; (2) 1846 Col. Thomas Gore Browne, R.A. (he d. 1854). 3, South Eaton Place, S. W. BROWNE, Hon. Edward Miles David, h.p to the 4th Baron Kilmaine. BROWNE, Hon. George Augustus, son of the 2nd Baron Kilmaine ; b. 1 80 1 ; was a Major in the 64th Foot (retired 1845) : in. (i) 1845 Anne Hammond (who d. 1850), da. of Sir Charles Morgan, and widow of St. John Blacker, Esq. ; (2) 1853 Frances Mary, el. da. of Charles Prideaux Brune, Esq., of Prideaux Place, Corn- wall. 28, Loiundes Square, S. W. ; Carlton and United Service Clubs. BROWNE, Hon. and Very Rev. Henry Montague, son of the 2nd Baron Kilmaine ; b. 1799 ; appointed Chap, to the Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1853 : m. 1822 the Hon. Catherine Penelope de Montmorency (who d. 1858), da. of the ist Viscount Frank- fort de Montmorency ; has been since 1850 Dean of Lismora, and Rec- tor of Burnchurch, Co. Kilkenny. BROWNE, Lord John Thomas, h.p. to the 3rd Marquess of Sligo. BROWNE, Lord Richard Howe, son of the 2nd Marquess of Sligo ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the Army 1852, became Lieut. 1854, Capt. 1855, Major 7th Foot 1863, ex- changed same year to g6th Foot, re- tired 1865 ; served in the Crimea 1855; was present at the assault on the Re- dan, and at the siege of Sebastopol, and was wounded in both engage- ments ; has the Crimean medal and clasp, the Order of the Medjidie and the Turkish War medal : m. 1863 Agnes Elizabeth, da. of J. Amesbury, Esq., of Brighton. Reigate; Junior United Service Club. BROWNE, Hon. Richard Howe, son of the 2nd Baron Kilmaine ; . 1811 ; ed. at the Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst ; was Lieut. 85th Regt., and is Capt. 8th Hussars ; is a D.L. and a J. P. for Surrey, of which Co. he was High Sheriff" 1858 : m. 1833 his cousin Elizabeth, da. of the Hon. John Browne.