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540 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE CONSTABLE, Lady Mary Margaret, da. of the i2th Earl of Buchan : m. 1838 William Browne Constable, Esq., who d. 1852. Wallace Cragie, Forfarshire. CONSTABLE - MAXWELL. (See MAXWELL.) CONYNGHAM, Hon. Georgina Charlotte. (See Lord Francis N. CONYNGHAM.) CONYNGHAM, Lord Francis Na- thaniel, M.P.,son of the and Marquess of Conyngham ; b. 1832 ; ed. at the Royal Naval Coll. ; entered the R.N. 1847, became Lieut. 1854, and has retired ; served in the Baltic in the operations at Bomarsund, at the last siege of Sebastopol, and at the taking of "the Kinburn Forts in the Black Sea ; was M.P. for Clare 1857-9, and Lieut. London Irish Vol. 1860-1 ; is a D.L. of Co. Donegal, and Cornet; ist Fifeshire Light Horse Vol. Cav. ; late Capt. Donegal Artillery Vol. : m. 1857 the Hon. Georgina Charlotte Morgan, 5th da. of the ist Baron Tredegar ; has sat as M.P. for Clare Co. (H.R.) since Feb. 1874. Mount Charles, Donegal. COOKE, Lady Mary Louisa, 3rd da. of the gth Earl of Galloway : m. 1874 Charles Edward Stephen Cooke, Esq., 2nd son of Sir Edward William Bryan Cooke, 8th Bart. St. Catherine's, Doncaster. COORE, Hon. Mary Emily, da. of the ist Baron Belper : m. 1872 Henry M. G. Coore, Esq., son of Henry Coore, Esq., The Leases, Bedale. COOTE, Hon. Louisa, aunt of the ist Earl of Dartrey : m. 1810 Charles Coote, Esq., of Bellamont Forest ; raised to the rank of a Baron's da. Dartrey, Cootehill, Ireland. CORBALLY, Hon. Matilda, da. of the i2th Viscount Gormanston : m. 1842 Matthew Elias Corbally, Esq., late M.P. for Meath, who d. 1870. Corbalton Hall, Meath. CORBETT, Hon. Emily Isabella Constance, 2nd da. of the 3rd Baron Sherborne : m. 1863 Edwin Corbett, Esq., Charge d' Affaires and Consul- Gen, to the Republics of Central America. Guatemala. CORKER, Lady Charlotte, da. of the 2nd Earl of Romney : m. 1853 the Rev. George William Corker, M.A., Chap, to the Earl of Romney, and Vicar of Stony Stratford, Bucks. CORRY, Hon. Armar LOWRY-, son of the 3rd Earl of Belmore ; b. 1836 ; is a Capt. R.N. on Retired list : m. 1868 Geraldine, da. of James King King, Esq. of Staunton Park, Hereford- shire. 15, Warwick Square, S. V. ,' United Service Club. CORRY, Hon. Henry William LOWRY-, M.P., son of the 3rd Earl of Belmore ; b. 1845 ; ed. at Trin. Coll. Camb. (B.A. 1865, M.A. 1868) ; en- tered the Coldstream Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1866, became Lieut, and Capt. 1868 ; is a J.P. for Suffolk ; Patron of Edwardstone, v. Suffolk ; elected M.P. for Co. Tyrone 1873. Edwardstone Hall, nearBoxford, Suf- folk; 95, Eaton Place, S. W.; Carlton t Guards' and Marlborough Clubs. COTES, Lady Louisa Harriet, da. of the 3rd ^Earl of Liverpool (title extinct] : m. 1839 John Cotes, Esq., of Woodcote Hall, Newport, Salop ; Pitchford Hall, Salop ; 12, Grosvenor Street, W. COTTON, Hon. Jane Charlotte STAPLETON-. (See Hon. Richard S. STAPLETON-COTTON.) COTTON, Hon. Richard South- well STAPLETON-, son of the 2nd Viscount Combermere ; b. 1849 ; ed. at Eton ; appointed Ensign and Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards 1868, and Lieut, and Capt. 1871 : m. 1870 the Hon. Jane Charlotte Meth- uen, da. of the 2nd Baron Meth- uen. Combermere Abbey, Whit- church ; Cmards Club. COTTON, Hon. Robert Wellington STAPLETON-, h. a. of the 2nd Viscount Combermere. COULSON, Hon. Mary Anne, da. of the 7th Baron Byron : m. 1834, as his 2nd wife, John Blenkinsopp Coul- son, Esq. (who d. 1868). Blenkinsopp Castle, Haltwhistle, Northumberland. COURTENAY, Hon. and Rev. Charles Leslie, son of the loth Earl of Devon ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 4th Class in Classics and in Math. 1837, M.A. 1838) ; was