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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. THE (FREE) BROMPTON, LONDON, S.W. His GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP of CAS- PATRONS: TERBTJRY. His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORFOLK, K.G. THE MOST HON. THE^MARQUIS OF SALIS- BURY, K.G. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF DERBY,. K.G. A SPECIAL refuge for poor persons afflicted with this fearful disease, who are admitted free without letters of recommendation. Diet required to be most generous and treatment of the most expensive kind. The Hospital has been in operation 42 years, and has given relief since its- foundation to upwards of 35,000 persons suffering under this terrible scourge ot humanity. The building, which has been greatly extended, is capable of receiving about 120 Indoor Patients. No restriction is placed on the admission of Out-Patients, the number ot which amounts to upwards of 1,500 constantly under treatment. Out-Patients are seen on their own application, daily, at 2 o'clock, except Sundays. New Annual Subscriptions and Donations are urgently solicited. Treasurer H. L. ANTROBUS, Esq., 59, Strand, W.C. Bankers Messrs. COUTTS & Co., Strand, W.C. W. H. HUGHES, Secretary. TEMPORARY HOME FOR LOST and STARVING DOGS. patrons: HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN; H.R.H. The PEINCE of WALES, K.G.; H.R.H. The DUKE of CAMBRIDGE, K.G. $restUent : HIS GRACE The DUKE of PORTLAND. Chairman airti Creasum: Sir GEORGE S. MEASOM, J.P. OBJECTS: (I). To clear the streets of London of stray dogs, and thus remove a serious nuisance, and protect the dense population of the metro- polis from terrible danger. (2). To restore to owners of lost dogs their valued pets and companions and when good dogs are unclaimed find suitable homes for them r at nominal charges. (3). To destroy in a painless manner dangerous and worthless dogs. (4). To cremate the carcasses of dogs which have been destroyed, and thus avert what might be a sanitary grievance if so many dogs were otherwise disposed of. The Home has no subsidy from Government or any Public Local Authority,, but relies entirely upon sympathizing voluntary subscribers for funds. Nearly 1,000 dogs and cats are daily fed and sheltered, and the committee are urgently in need of support. MATTHIAS COLAM, Secretary. OFFICES : Battersea Park Road, London, S.W.