Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/165

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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. ^ chief or, two lions rampant combatant gules, supporting a hand of the last. Crtst A naval crown or, therefrom issuing a cubit arm erect for the hand grasping a trident in bend sinister point down- wards. SupporUrs On either side a lion reguardant argent standing upon an anchor proper, supporting a trident erect or, gorged with a naval crown therefrom a chain reflexed over the back azure. Club Royal Yacht Squadron. Uncle living (son of 3rd Baronet) SIDNEY, b. Nov. 4th, 1826; ed. at Downing Coll., Camb. formerly Lieut.-Col. Grenadier Guards ; served in Crimea : in. 1859, Geraldine Augusta, da. deuce, Stonham House, Strand, Ryde, Isle of Wight, The ist baronet, Sir Harry, sat as M.P. for Lymington 1741-84. The 2nd baronet, Adm. Sir Harry, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., a distinguished naval officer, was also M.P. for 40 years previous to 1835; in 1801 and 1804 he entertained King George III., Queen Charlotte, and all the Princesses, at Wai- hampton ; he assumed in 1795 by sign-manual the surname of Neale ; in 1840, H.M. Queen Dowager Adelaide, the Princess Augusta, the Duchess of Gloucester, and a large number of friends, erected on the Walhampton estate an obelisk 75 feet in height, as a tribute to his memory. The 4th baronet was M.P. for Lymington 1828-32. Members of this family represented either Lymington or Yarmouth (I. of W.) in every Parliament but onte [1735-40] between 1679 and 1835. Burrard Creek, British Columbia, was named after Lieut. -Col. William Burrard, the father of 2nd baronet. The Walhampton estate was sold in 1883. BURRARD, Creation 1807, of Lymington, Hampshire. [Extinct 1870.] Sir CHARLES BURRARD, 2nd and last Baronet. Daughters living Of 2nd Baronet Laura: m. 1861, the Rev. John Compton, R. of Minstead, and Hon. Canon of Winchester, and has issue living, Charles Henry, b. 1870, John, b. 1873, Catherine, Agnes Charlotte. Residence, Minstead Rectory, near Lyndhurst, Hants. Emily {Hon. Mrs, Maurice Nelson): m. 1863, Rear- Adm. the Hon. Maurice Horatio Nelson, son of 2nd Earl Nelson. Residence, Anglesey, Gosport. Alice : m. 1858, the Rev. William Henry- Lucas, Rural Dean of Christohurch, and Hon. Canon of Winchester, and has issue living, Rev. Charles Burrard, b. 1859 ; ed. at Winchester and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1883, M.A. 1888) ;

s Assist.-Curate of St. Peter's, Bournemouth, Elinor, Theodora Mary. Residtftct, Aspenden,

Wimborne Road, Bournemouth. Frederica : m. 1863, Capt. W. Norris, who d. 1874, of the Rifle Brigade, and has issue living, Arthur Gambier, b. 1864; is Lieut. R.A. : ;. 1891, Emily Margaret, da. of Maj.-Gen. Richard Warren [see Warren, Bart., colls.]. Paul Burrard l>. 1868 ; is Lieut. 2nd Batn. Duke of Cornwall's L.I., William, b. 1871. Louisa Frederica, b. 1805. Resi- dence, Forest Bank, Lyndhurst. BURRELL, Creation 1774, of Valentine House, Essex. Sir CHARLES RAYMOND BURRELL, 6th Baronet ; b. March 29th, 1848 ; s. his father, Sir WALTER WYNDHAM. 1886; ed. at Magdalen Coll., Camb.; is a J.P. for Sussex, and a County Councillor for W. Div. of Sussex, W. Grinstead Div. ; formerly Capt. Sussex Militia : ;. 1872, Etheldreda Mary, da. of Sir Robert Loder, ist Bart., of High Beeches, Crawley, Sussex, and,has issue. T^rms Vert, three plain shields argent, each having a bordure engrailed or. (frtst A naked arm embowed, and holding a branch of laurel, both proper. Seats Knepp Castle, Horsham ; West Grinstead Park, Sussex. Chits Carlton, New University. Sub libertate quietem. Rest under liberty. Son living MERRIK RAYMOND, b. May i 4 th, 1877. Daughters living Sybil Dorothy. Mary Emma. Brother living Robert Merrik Raymond, b. 1863. Sisters living Frances Louisa : >n. 1884 Count Philip Alexander Palli, who d. 1892, and has issue living, Dorothea Mary, Sophia, Irene, Angelica. Residence, Place de la Constitution, Athens. Dorothea Mary Augusta': m. 1878, Francis William Otter, Esq., who d. 1885, and has issue living, Walter William, b. 1879. Residence, West Grinstead Lodge, Horsham. Emily Charlotte Edrica : m. 1876, Ernest Baggallay, Esq., Stipendiary Magistrate for West Ham, and has issue living, Richard Burrell, b. 1878, Ernest Burrell, b. 1879, Dorothea Julia, Frances Lois. Residences, 106, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. ; The Moat, Cowden, Kent. Edith Henrietta : m. 1888, the Rev. William Robert Pearson Strange, V. of Stockland-Bri^tol, and has issue living, Raymond Fulke, b. 1889, Roger Wodeland, b. 1890, Emily Maud, b. 1891. Residence, The Vicarage, Stockland-Bristol, Bridgwater.