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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 97 Daughters living Henrietta Helen. Mary Ava Margaret. Brothers living Augustus Almeric Ava, b. 1846. Blenheim Ava, b. 1848. Sisters living Helen Elizabeth Barbara. Elizabeth Margaret. Maria Georgina. AlintS living (daughters of ist Baronet) Helen Maria (Hon. Lady Spencer) : in. 1836, Gen. the Hon. Sir Augustus Almeric Spencer, G.C.B. [see B. Churchill]. Residence, 51, Ennismore Gardens, S.W. Laura Susanna: m. 1848, Lynedoch Douglas, Esq., who d. 1859, and has issue [see Douglas, of Glenbervie, Bart., colls.]. Residence, The ist baronet, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Archibald, G.C.B., was Col. of the 62nd Regiment, and Com. -in- Chief in Burmese War. The 2nd baronet, Maj.-Gen. Sir John, was killed in the assault of the Redan, Sebastopol, 1855. COCKBURN-CAMPBELL, Creation 1821, of Gartsford, Ross-shire. Sir ALEXANDER THOMAS COCKBURN-CAMPBELL, r ' 5th Baronet ; b. 1872 ; s. his father, Sir THOMAS, 1892. $rms Quarterly ist and 4th, gyronny of eight or and sable, Campbell; 2nd, argent, a galley or lymphad her oars in action sable : 3rd, or, a fesse cheeky argent and azure, over all a chief argent charged with a rock proper superscribed " Gibraltar," between two medals for Seringapatam and Talavera ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, ist and 4th, argent, an ostrich feather ensigned with an Imperial crown proper, between three cocks, two and one, gules ; six- mascles three two and one or, Cockbnrn. Crest ist, a dexter hand holding a scimitar all proper, Campbell ; 2nd, a cock proper, Cockburn. Residence Perth, Western Australia. Brother living JOHN STOTHERT, *. 1873. Sisters living Grace Lucy. Sophia Olympia Cecilia. Rachel Mary Anne. Lalla. Aunts living (daughters of 2nd baronet) Charlotte Isabella Olympia : in. ist, 1857, Charles Uhde, Esq., who d. 1859, of Handschuchsheim, Baden ; andly, 1864, Baron Frederick yon Poelnitz. Residence, Ippesheim, and Maihof, Bavaria. Cecilia. WidOW living Of 4th Baronet LUCY ANNE (Lady Cockburn- Campbelt), da. of the late Arthur Trimmer, Esq., of Pootenup, W. Australia : m. 1870, Sir Thomas Cockburn-Campbell, 4th baronet, who d. 1892. Residence, Perth, W. Australia. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Alexander Campbell, ist baronet, Col. of 8oth Regiment, greatly distinguished himself at Seringapatam, also in the Peninsula, 1809-11, where he commanded a division of the British Army. He was created a baronet 1815, and in 1821 obtained a new patent, which extended the limitation to the male issue of his daughter Olympia (Mrs. Cockburn), and afterwards to the male issue of his daughter Isabella Charlotte (Lady Malcolm). The 2nd baronet assumed in 1824 the additional surname of Campbell. Sir Thomas, 4th Bart., was Pres. of Legislative Council of W. Australia. HUME-CAMPBELL, Creation 1665, of Marchmont, Berwickshire. Sir HUGH HUME - CAMPBELL, yth Baronet; b. Dec. I5th, 1812; s. his father, Sir WILLIAM, 1833 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; sat as M.P. for Berwickshire (C) 1834-47 ; is a D. L. and a J.P. foi Berwickshire, and a Brig.- Gen. Roy. Co. of Archers : m. 1st, 1834, Margaret, who d. 1839, da. of John Spottiswoode, Esq., of Spottiswoode, Berwickshire ; 2ndly, 1841, Juliana Rebecca, who d. 1886, da. of the late Gen. Sir Joseph Fuller, G.C.H. ^rms Quarterly : first grand quarter, ist and 4th, vert, Proved fidelity crowns all. a i; on rampant argent ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, three popinjays vert ; second grand quarter gyronny of eight or and sable within a bordure gules, charged with eight escallops of the first a canton gyronny of eight of the third and ermine : third grand quarter, azure on a fesse between three mascles argent as many cinquefoils of the first : fourth grand quarter, quarterly, ist and 4th, argent, three piles azure ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, a cross engrailed azure ; over all in surtout an escutcheon argent charged with an orange slipped and imperially crowned all proper. Crrst A dexter arm issuing from a heart and grasping a scimitar all proper. j&tipporUrs Two lions rampant, re- guardant argent. Seat Marchmont House, Dunse, N.B. Town Residence 18, Hill Street, W. Clubs Carlton, Travellers', Scottish Conservative. Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Col. John HOME-PURVES, son of the late Capt. John Home- Purves, 3rd son of sth baronet, b. 1817, d. 1867 : m. 1849, Caroline Maria, who d. 1890, da. of Vice-Adm. Hyde- Parker, C.B. : Issue of the late Charles Hyde Home-Purves, b. 1850, d. 1887 : /. 1877, Frances Mabel (now of Purves Hall, Greenlaw, N.B.), da. of Clement Archer, Esq. : JOHN, b. 1879. Alice. Issue of the late Capt. John Home-Purves (ante), b. 17 , d. 18 : m 18 , Ellen, who d. 1845, having m. 2ndly, 1828, the ist Viscount Canterbury, da. of Edmond Power, Esq., of Curraghmore, co. Waterford :