Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/18

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I>E RETT AD V ERT1SEMESTS. LAW FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY, Offices: 114, Chancery Lane, London, TRUSTEES. The Rt. Hon. The LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF E.VGLAND. The Rt. Hon. LORD HOBHOUSK, K. C.S.I. The Rt. Hon. LORD JUSTICE BOWEN. The Hon. Mr. JUSTICE KKKEWICH. The Hon. HALLYBURTON GEO. CAMPBELL. Sir HENRY Fox BRISTOWE, Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster. Sir ARNOLD WILI.HM WHITE. DIRECTORS. (The * denotes a Director of the Law Life, the t a Director of the Legal and General Life, a the $ a Director of the Equity and Law Life Insurance Societies.) Sir ARNOLD WILLIAM WHITE, Great Marlborough Street, Chairman. $Sir HENRY Fox BRISTOWE, Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster, Deputy-Chairman. BROUGHTON, HOWARD WILLIAM, Esq., 12, Great Marlborough Street.


MILMAN, HENRY SALUSBURY, Esq., LiRcoln's Inn. MORGAN, FHEDK. Esq., Somerset Street, W. CLABON, JOHN MOXON, Esq., Great George 'NICHOLSON, Sir RICHARD, 23, Parliament Street, Westminster. DAVIDSON, FREDKRICK GEORGE, Esq.. Sand- hills, Betchworth. ^FARRER, Sir WILLIAM JAMES, Lincoln's Inn Fields. tFRERE, BARTLE JOHN LAURIE, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. FRESHFIELD, WILLIAM DAWKS, Esq., New Bank Buildings. HALLOWES, WILLIAM ALEXANDER TOOKB, Esq., 39, Bedford Row, W.C. HOBHOUSE, The Rt. Hon. LORD, K.C.S.I., Bruton Street. UNGRAM, JAMKS, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. FAMES, JOHN GWYNNE, Esq., Hereford. LEE, HARRY WILMOT, Esq , 1, The Sanctuary, Westminster. tMiLLS, RICHARD, Esq., 1, Gray's Inn Square. Street, Westminster. SPEAK, FREDK., Esq., 6. Bedford Row. tPENNivcTOV, RICHARD, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. (ROBINS, G. U., Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. $ROOPER, GBO., Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. tRowcLiFFE, EDWARD LKK, Esq., 1, Bedford Row. WALTERS, WILLIAM MELMOTH, Esq., Lincoln's Inn. WHITEHKAD, EDWARD HUGH, Esq., 29, Spring Gardens, S.W. WILDE, SPENCER CROUGHTON, Esq., Linco n'a Inn. tWiLLiAMS, ROMER. Esq., Norfolk Houte, Thames Embankment. tWiLLiAMS, WILLIAM, Esq., Lincoln's Inn Fields. AUDITORS. HORTIN, JOHN HENRY, Esq., l6l, Edgware Road, LKKKE, OCTAVIUS, Esq., Quality Court, W.C. NEVE, WM. TANNER, Esq., Cranbrook. WEST. CHARLES ROBERT ROBERTS, Esq., New Inn, W.C. ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. GEORGE POWNALL, Esq., 29, Parliament Street, S.W. EDWARD STREET, Esq., 9, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, B.C. SOLICITOR CHARLES HARRISON, Esq., 19, Bedford Row. BANKERS Messrs. COUTTS AND COMPANY. THE CAPITAL amounting to FIVE MILLIONS was subscribed before the Society commenced business in 1845, and the shares are now held by a body of Shareholders, comprising some of the highest and most influential members ot the profession. The success which has attended the operations of the Society, is founded on its strong financial position, the eligible character of the risks consti- tuting the bulk of its business, and the promptitude and liberality with which its engagements are met. GEORGE WILLIAM BELL, Secretary. WILLIAM JOHN VINE, Assistant-Secretary.