Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/224

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146 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. s Argent, a shake-fork sable, in chief a crescent azure. Crest A unicorn's head erased proper. jjupporttrs Two leopards proper. Salts Corse Hill, Ayrshire ; Kirktonholm, Lanarkshire. Town Resilience 68, Eccleston Square, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Scottish Conservative. Sons living THOMAS ANDREW ALEXANDER, t>. March 3 oth. 1877. Edward, b. 1878. Daughters living Edith Honoria. Marjory Eva Charlotte. Violet Jessie. Bridget Ann. Sisters living Jessie Augusta (Hon. .Mrs. Augustus Irby) : tit. 1866, the Hon. Augustus Anthony Frederick Irby, who d. 1870, son of 3rd Baron Boston. Residence, The Grove, Hillingdon, Uxbridge. Eleanor. Uncle living (sons of 6th Baronet) George, b. ID ; formerly an officer in R.N. Residence, Widow living Of 8th Baronet. CHARLOTTE (Lady Cuninghame), only da. and heiress of Hugh Hutcheson, Esq., of Southfield, Renfrew: m. 1832, Sir Thomas Montgomery Cuninghame, 8th baronet, who d. 1870. Residence, This family claims descent from Malcolm, son of Freskin, who, when Prince Malcolm fled from Macbeth, after the death of Duncan, 1339, concealed the Prince from his pursuers. After Malcolm was restored to the throne of Scotland, he conferred on his preserver the thanedom of Cuninghame, from which the family takes its name. Sir William is a claimant for the dormant Earldom of Glencairn. FAIRLIE-CUNINGHAME, Creation 1630, of Robertland, Ayrshire. Sir CHARLES ARTHUR FAIRLIE-CUNING- loth Baronet ; b. Jan. 2nd, 1846; s. his father, Sir PERCY ARTHUR, 1881 ; ed. at Chelten- ham Coll., and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; was Lieut. Aryshire Yeo. Cav. 1865-75 ; is a J.P. for Ayrshire : m. 1867, Caroline Madelina, da. of Capt. William Fordyce Blair, R.N., of Blair, Dairy, Ayrshire, N.B.. and has issue. rms ist and 4th argent, a shake-fork sable between a bugle-horn in chief and two towers in base of the last, the first stringed and the last having the portcullis shut gules, Cnning- kante of Robertland ', 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion's head couped with three stars in chief, gules, Fairlie of Fairlie. Clrtsis ist, a unicorn's head argent horned and maned or, Cuninghame ; 2nd, a lion's head couped or, Fairlie. .Supporters Two knights in complete armour, each holding in his exterior hand a baton. SKottots >brr ist Crest " Fortitudine" (By fortitude), btt 2ni> Crtst " Paratus sum" (f am prepared). Residence Garnock House, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Club Carlton. Daughters living Edith Magdalen. Geraldine Mary Georgiana. Violet Antonia. Brother living ALFRED EDWARD, b. April 2oth, 1852 : m. 1885, Arabella Annie, da. of the late Frederick Church, Esq. Residence, 5, Barton Terrace, Dawlish, S. Devon. Sisters living Rosa Matilda: ni. 1873, Arthur Bryden, Esq. Margaret Helen Gertrude: m. 1876, Hans George Leslie Shand, Esq. Residence, Aunt living (daughter of 8th Baronet) Florence Anna : m. 1831, Charles Eugene Laffitte, Esq., banker of Paris, who d. 1875. Residence, WidOW living Of 9th Baronet MARIA ANTONIA (Lady Ciminghaine-Fairlie), da. of the Hon. William Bowman Felton, ofSherbrook, Lower Canada: in. 1839, Sir Percy Arthur Cuninghame- Fairlie, pth baronet, who d. 1881. Residence, Dawlish, Devon. isi uauuuci, master 01 me worKs to james vi. or Scotland, was createa.a oaronet, witn remamuer to heirs male whatsoever ; he died without male issue, and was succeeded by his brother Alexander. The 5th baronet assumed the additional surname of Fairlie. CUNLIFFE, Creation 1759, of Liverpool, Lancashire. Sir ROBERT ALFRED CUNLIFFE, 5th Baronet, son of the late Robert Ellis Cunliffe, Esq., el. son of 4th Baronet; b. Jan. I7th. 1839; s. his grandfather, Gen. Sir ROBERT HENRY, C.B., 1859; ed. at Eton; formerly Lieut, and Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards ; is Hon. Col. 3rd Batn. Roy. Welsh Fusiliers, and a J.P., a D.L., and a County Councillor (Stansty Div.) for Denbighshire (High Sheriff 1868); sat as M.P. for Flint District (L) 1872-4, and for Denbigh District 1880-5, when he was defeated ; unsuccessfully contested Flint- shire (LU} 1892: m. 1869, Eleanor Sophia Egerton, da. of the late Col. Egerton Leigh, of Jodrell Hall, Congleton, and has issue. $rms Sable, three conies courant argent, two and one. Crtst A greyhound sejant argent, collared sable. Seat Acton Park, Wrexham, Denbighshire. Clubs Travellers'. Brooks's, Grosvenor.