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i86 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. EDMONSTONE, Creation 1774, of Duntreath, Stirlingshire. Sir ARCHIBALD EDMONSTONE, 5th Baronet ; b. May 3Oth. 1867 ; s. his father, Adm. Sir WILLIAM, 1888; is Lieut. 3rd Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), and a D. L. for Stirlingshire. ^rtns Or, three crescents within a double tressure flory- counter-flory gules. Crtst Out of a ducal coronet a swan's head and neck proper, j^iipporttrs Two lions rampant gules. Seats Duntreath Castle, Strathblane, Stirlingshire ; Colzium, Kilsyth, Stirlingshire. Town Residence 7, Halkin Street West, S.W. Clubs Marlborough, Bachelors'. Virtue adds to honor. Sisters living Louisa Anne : m. 1872, Lieut.-Col. Henry Pipon, R.H.A. Charlotte Henrietta: ;. 1866, the Rev. John Francis Kitson, V. of Antony, and has with other issue living, James Buller, b. 1870, Antony Buller, b. 1890, Dorothy Euphemia, b. 1888. Residence, Antony Vicarage, near Devon- port. Jessie : m. 1884, Major Edward John Winnington- Ingram, Roy. Warwickshire Regt., who d. 1892 [Winnington, Bart., colls.]. Residence, Northgate House, Warwick. ^Frances Euphemia : in. 1873, Alexander R. Duncan, Esq., and has issue living, John Alexander, b. 1878. Sophia : in. 1880, James Edward Hope. Esq. [see Hope, Bart., colls.]. Mary Clementina : m. 1874, Andrew- Graham Murray, Esq., M.P., Solicitor-Gen, for Scotland, and has issue living, Ronald Thomas Graham, b. 1875, Alary Caroline, Gladys Esme, Marjorie. Residences, Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh; Stenton, Dunkeld, Perthshire. Alice Frederica (Hon. Mrs. George Keppet)'. m. 1891, the Hon. George Keppel, Lieut. 2nd Batn. Gordon Highlanders [see E. Albemarle]. Resi- dence, 7, West Halkin Street, S.W. Widow living Of 4th Baronet MARY ELIZABETH (Lady Edmonstone), da. of the late Lieut.-Col. Parsons, C.M.G. : m. 1841, Adm. Sir William Edmonstone, 4th baronet, who d. 1888. Residences, Duntreath Castle, Strathblane, Stirlingshire ; 7, Halkin Street West, S.W. Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq infra) . Issue of the late Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq., b. 1809, d. 1872 : m. 1840, Madelina Ellinor (now of 31, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W.), da. of William Henry Trant, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., of Dingle, co. Kerry : NEIL BENJAMIN, b. 1843; is a retired Lieut.-Col. (formerly 4th Hussars): m. 1886, Edith Isabel, da. of Henry Lumsden, Esq., of Pitcaple, Aberdeenshire, and has issue living, Eda Meriel, i>. 1888. Clubs, Junior United Service, Hurlmgham. -William Henry, b. 1850. Residence, 31, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. Club, Raleigh. Issue of the late Sir George Frederick Edmonstone, K.C.B., b. 1813, d. 1864: in. 18 . Anne Farley, who d. 185^. da. of T. Turner, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. : Ellen Craigie. Issue of the late Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq., sth son of ist baronet, b. 1765, d. 1841 : /. 17 , Charlotte Anne, da. of Peter Friell, Esq. : Rev. Charles Welland, b. 1811 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1833, M.A. 1838); is V. of Ch. Ch., Hornsey : m. 1842, Susan Mary D'Oyley, who d. 1852, da. of the late Rev. Philip Douglas, and has issue living, Susanna Carnegie : m. 1867, Dr. John Venn (Fellow of Caius Coll., Camb.), and has issue living, John Archibald b. 1883, Charlotte Anne : in. 1871, the Rev. Thomas Dalton, Senior Mathematical Master of Eton Coll., and has issue living, Thomas This family is probably descended from an Edmundus of the powerful race of Seton, amid whose lands Edmonstone, the original family seat, is situated. The ist baronet was M.P. for Dumbartonshire and the Ayr and Irvine Burghs 1761-95, and the 2nd and 4th baronets'sat as M.P. for Stirlingshire (C> 1812-19, and 1874-80 respectively. EDWARDES, Creation 1644, of Shrewsbury. Sir HENRY HOPE EDWARDES, loth Baronet ; b. April toth, 1829 ; s. his father, Sir HENRY. 1841 ; ed. at Rugby; formerly Lieut. 85th Foot, and Lieut. N. Salop Yeo. Cav. ; is a J.P. for Salop. ^rnu Gules, a chevron engrailed between three heraldic tigers' heads erased argent. Crtst A man's head within a helmet proper garnished or. Seat Wootton Hall, Ashbourne. Town Address 55, Jermj'n Street, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Turf. A fyno Duw derfid. What God has willed, This family, descended from the ancient Welsh kings of Powysland, was sealed at Kilhendre, Salop, temp. Henry I. The first who assumed the name of Edwardes was John ap David ap Madoc, of Kilhendre, temp. Henry VII.; he was great-great-grandfather of Sir Thomas Edwardes, who for his eminent services to Charles I. was created a baronet in 1644. The patent, however, having been lost during the disturbances of those times, a new one as granted to his son, Sir Francis, by Charles II., in 1678, with prece- uiill be accomplished, dence according to the warrant granted to his father.