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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 205 Aunts living (daughters of 3rd baronet) By 2nd marriage Laura Elizabeth : m. 1832, the Rev. Edward Allen, Chaplain H.E.I.C., who d. 1841, and has issue living, Mary Hayley : m. 1864 Thomas George Symons, Esq., J.P. and D.L., who d. 1868, of Mynde Park, Hereford. Residtnct 8, Russell Street, Bath. By 3rd marriage Mary Sophia: ;. 1835, Major John Cumberlege, of 4ist Bengal N.I., who d. 1852, and has issue living, Henry Owen (Chi6, Jnnior Army and Navy), b. 1842; formerly Col. 33rd Bengal N. I.: m. 1884, Eveleen, da. of Col. John Charles Campbell, Daunt, V.C., I.S.C., and has issue living, John Henry b. 1885. Helen Marian b. 1886, Charles Farrington (of the Bank of England, Newcastle-on-Tyne), b. 1851 : m. 1874, Esther Faithfull, da. of John George Fleet, Esq., and has issue living, Henry Charles Faithfull b. 1875, Rutland Farrington b. 1877, Ferdinand Richmond b. 1880, Royston Cecil b. 1881, Gilbert Iliffe b. 1883, Lesly Francis b. 1886, Duncan Spencer b. 1889, Barry Stephenson b. 1891, Maud Esther Mary b. 1878, Maria Elizabeth. Residence, n, Shornden Villas, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Margaret Anne : m. 1840, Edmund Boult, Esq., of Bengal Med. Ser., whorf. 1863, and has issue living, Edmund Far- rington (Clnb, Junior Army and Navy), b. 1842 ; formerly a Surg.-Maj. Army Med. Staff, Margaret Emma, Grace Elizabeth. Residence, 12, St. Margaret's Terrace, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Maria Harriet: m. 1840, the Rev. George Henry- Evan, M.A., who d. 1878, aud has issue living, Heury Farrington (Clnb, East India United Service), b. 1845 : is in B.C.S. : m. ist, 1877, Edith Florence, who d. 1878, da. of Dr. Wright ; 2ndly, 1887, Alice Atherlie, who d. 1888, da. of J. H. Prinsep, Esq. formerly B.C.S., and has issue (living (by ist marriage), George /'. 1878 (by 2nd mar riage), Geoffrey . 1888, Loftus George (Club, East India United Service), b. 1853 : is in B.C.S. : in. 1887, Alice Elizabeth, da. of Edward Young. Esq., M.D., and has issue living, Marguerite Gertrude b. 1888, George Henry Herbert, b. 1860 : is an Assist. Master at Bath Coll., Harriet Elizabeth, Caroline Ellen. Residence, 20, Upper Belgrave Road, Clifton. FEILDEN, Creation 1846, of Feniscowles, Lancashire. .Sir WILLIAM LEYLAND FEILDEN, 3rd Baronet; b. Nov. 5th, 1835 ; s. his father. Sir WILLIAM HENRY, 1879 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; formerly Lieut. 5th Dragoon Guards, and Brig. Major Lancashire Artillery Vol. ; is a J.P. for Lancashire: m. 1860, Catherine Jane, da. of the late Edward Pedder, Esq., of Ash ton Park, Lancashire, and has issue. ^rms Argent, on a fesse cottised azure, between two martlets in chief and a red rose in base, three lozenges or. Crests ist, a nuthatch perched upon a hazel-branch fructed, holding in its mouth a red rose proper ; 2nd, a palm-tree weighted. t con& Blotto ' ' Crescit sub pondere virtus " ( Virtue grinds under its imposed weight). Seats Feniscowles, near Blackburn ; Feniscowles House, Scarborough. Clnb Junior United Service. Sons living WILLIAM HENRY, b. March 8th, 1866; is Capt. Virtutis praemium honor. 3rd. Batn. Royal Lancaster Regt. : in. 1891, Evelyn Mary, da. of Honor is tlie reward of Sir Morton Edward Manningham-Buller, 2nd Bart. Club, Junior United virtue. Service. Edward Leyland Cooke, b, 1868 ; is Lieut, ist Batn. High- land L. I. Wemyss Gawne Cunningham, b. 1870; is Lieut, ist Batn. Lancashire Fusiliers. Randle Montague, b. 1871 ; ed. at Roy. Mil Coll., Sandhurst ; is Lieut. 2nd Batn. Oxfordshire L.I. Kodolph, b. 1876. Daughters living Edith Haughton Wemyss. Ada Isabel. Brothers living Henry Wemyss, b. 1838 ; formerly Lieut. 44th Regt.; served with 42nd High- landers during In nan Mutiny 1857-8 (medal with clasp), and with 8th Punjab Regt. in China 1860 (medal); was an A.A.G. in Army of Confederate States 1862-5, an d sometime Adj. 2nd Lancashire Rifle Vol. ; sometime Hon. Col. and Ch. Paymaster Army Pay Depart. ; served as Naturalist with Arctic Expedi ion 1875-6 (medal), and in Transvaal campaign 1881 ; is a J.P. for Norfolk: in. 1864, Julia, da. of the late Judge David M'Cord, of South Carolina, U.S.A. Residence, West House, Wells, Norfolk. Clnb, Junior United Service. Haughton Montague James, b. 1842 ; is Lieut -Col. ( i. p.) R.A., and an Instructor at Artillery Coll., Woolwich : m. 1881, Bessie, da. of L. J. Cohen, Esq., formerly of Catford Bridge, Kent. Clnb, Junior United Service. Sisters living Mary Elizabeth (Lady Jirisco): m. ist, 1860, Capt. Newsham Pedder, of loth Hussars, who d. 1863 ; 2ndly, 1867, Sir Musgrave Horton Brisco, 4th baronet, and has issue living (by ist marriage), Ernest William Newsham, b. 1862: is Capt. i3th Hussars. Residence, Crofton Hall, near Wigton, Cumberland. Frances Maria Caroline : in. 1863, the Rev. Edmund Juxon Wemyss- Whittaker, V. of Lyncombe, Bath, and has issue living, Blanche Melville : m. 1889, Richard Henry Peirse, Esq., Lieut. R.N. Residence, i, Widcombe Crescent, Bath. Harriet Blanche Juanita Georgina (Lady Cooke) : m. 1871, Sir William Ridley Charles Cooke, gth baronet. Residence, Wheatley Park, Doncaster. Uncles living (sons of ist Baronet) Montague Joseph, b. 1816 ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Lancashire, formerly Lieut.-Col. 3rd Batn. Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. ; sat as M.P. for Blackburn (L) 1853-7 : in. ist, 1846, Mary Anne, who d. 1859, da. of William Valentine, Esq., of Salmesbury, Lancashire; 2ndly, 1865, Alice, da. of the late James Thoume, Esq., of Bon Air, Guernsey, and has issue living (by 2nd marriage), Montague Leyland, b. 1867. Residence, Isle of Herm, Guernsey. Club Reform. John Leyland, b. 1821 ; formerly Lieut. 3rd Batn. Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. : m. 1851, Eliza Whigham, who d. 1888; da. of J. Kennedy, Esq., formerly of Caledon House, Ancoats, Manchester. Residence, Roppynden House, Burwash, Sussex. Club, Lancaster (Savoy). This family has been settled near Blackburn for more than three centuries, and claims to be descended from Rhodolph of Hapsburg. The ist baronet was M.P. for Blackburn (LC) 1832-47. Ferguson-Davie, see Davie.