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LJtlN I O CHRONOMETERS, WATCHES and CLOCKS, have long held pre-eminent rank, as may be seen from Reports of various scientific persons : THE ASTRONOMER ROYAL, ( sh- o. B. AIRY,) in hi. Report to the Admiralty (13th Of AugUSt, 1870) O n forty Chronometers entered for annual competition, says of M. F. DENT'S Chronometer: "THIS IS THE FINEST CHRONOMETER WE HAVE EVER HAD ON TRIAL." N.B. The LATE ASTRONOMER ROVAL (J. POND, Esq.), reporting in 1829 on the celebrated public trial, by order of the Lords of the Admiralty, which lasted thirteen years, during which nearly 500 Chronometers were tested, says : " Your Chronometer, No. 114, is entitled to the First Premium. Actual variation in the year 54 hundredths of a second. This is superior to any other yet tried. THE RUSSIAN IMPERIAL ASTRONOMER, ' M. STRUVE, of St. Petersburg, reporting upon 81 Chronometers tested by the Russian Chronometrical Expedition in 1843, says : "The DENT CHRONOMETERS have held FIRST HANK in a brilliant manner. They contributed, beyond dispute, the MOST EFFECTUALLY to the exactitude of the results. "M. STRUVE." %* Rtf Command of the Emperor, the Russian Gold Medal of the Highest Order of Merit was presented to Mr. DENT. The Report on Chronometers, Watches, $c., by the Judges at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876, can be had on application. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADEL- PHIA (187o). The Judges iu their Report on the Exhibits of M. F. DENT said of his Chronometers and Watches : " The Workmanship was of the First Order," and of his Clocks, " They were repre- sentative of the highest achievements of his art." MEDAL AND DIPLOMA. OF THE HIGHEST ORDER WERE AWARDED. Mr, H. M. Stanley's Testimony. To the excellence of Chronometers supplied to him by M. F. DENT, and used in finding his longitude in his last Expedition, says in a letter, 5th July, 18QO : " The Chronometers supplied by you, and which were taken across Africa in my late Ex- petition, provedof veiy greutservice to me, and were in every way thoroughly satisfactory and reliable." 33, Cockspur Street, CHARING CROSS, LONDON.