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DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 243 Issue of the late Rev. Fergus Graham, LL.D., 4th son of the late Rev. Robert Graham (ante), b. 17 , d. 1829 : m. ist, 1792, Johanna, da. of Robert Gale, Esq., of Carlisle ; 2ndly, 1809, Jane, who d. 1826, da. of the Ven. William Paley, D.D., Archdeacon of Carlisle : Robert Wilfrid, b. 1823 ; is a Civil Engineer. Elizabeth : m. 18 , the Rev. F. Wilson, who d. 1871, of Armitage. Staffordshire. Caroline. Grandchildren of the late Rev. Fergus Graham, LL.D. (ante) : Issue of the late Fergus James Graham, Esq., Consul at Bayonne, b. 1792, d. 1881 : in. ist, 1818. Alethea, da. of William Evans James, Esq., of Liverpool ; 2ndly, 1851, Frances, da. of William Ellis, Esq., of Castle Field, co. York : William, b. 18 : m. ist, 18 , Dora, who d. 18 , da. of Richard Henry Holland, Esq. ; 2ndly, 1873, Fanny Edith, da. of P. Bright, Esq.. of Brecon, S. Wales. Residence, Issue of the late Rev. William Paley Graham, b. 1817, d. 1870: in. 18 Elizabeth, who d. 1849, da. of the Rev. James Bush : Fe-gus, b. 1846 ; formerly Major 2nd Batn. Roy. Irish Rifles : in. 1882, Caroline Mary, da. of the late William Tinker, Esq., of Canock, Wilts, and has issue living, a son, b. 1884. Charlotte. Elizabeth Anne. The ist baronet, Gentleman of the Horse to James I., distinguished himself at the battle of Edgehill. The 3rd baronet, created Viscount Preston (1680), in the peerage of Scotland, was British Ambassador to France, and sometime a Secretary of State to James II. ; after the Revolution he was condemned for high treason, but afterwards pardoned. The 5th baronet and 3rd viscount dying without issue, the baronetcy devolved upon a younger branch. GRAHAM, Creation 1662, of Norton-Conyers, Yorkshire. Sir REGINALD HENRY GRAHAM, 8th Baronet ; b. April 22nd, 1835 ; s. his father, Sir BELLINGHAM REGINALD, 1866; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; formerly Capt. Rifle Brigade ; served in Crimean campaign (medal with clasp, and Turkish medal); is a D.L. and J.P. of N.R., and a J. P. for W.R. of York, and a J.P. for Liberty Court of Ripon : m. 1876, Anne Mary, da. of the late Thomas Shiffner, Esq. [see Shiffner, Bart., colls.], and has issue. Reason contents me. r, on a chief sable three escallop shells of the first, a crescent on a crescent for difference. Crest Two wings addorsed gules, charged with a crescent on a crescent for difference. Seat Norton Conyers, near Ripon. Town Residence 25, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs Carlton, White's, Union, Turf, Yorkshire, Pratt's, Wellington. Sons living REGINALD GUY, b. May 2 8th, 1878. - Nigel James Spencer, b. iSSo. - Malise, b. 1884. Brother living George Fergus, b. 1836 ; formerly Col. B.S.C. ; retired as Maj.-Gen. April loth, 1886: m. 1871, Margaret Anne, who d. 1874, el. da. of the late Thomas Jasper Atkinson, Esq., and has issue living, Fergus Bellingham Reginald, b. 1874. Residence, Hardingstone, near Northampton. Clubs, Oriental, United Service. Sisters living Charlotte Harriett : is a member of the Sisterhood of St. Peter's, Kilburn. - Gertrude Elizabeth Priscilla : in. 1863, Count Arthur Dillon, who d. 1889. Residence, Paris. WidOW living Of 7th Baronet HARRIET {Lady Graham), da. of the late Rev. Robert Cottam : ni. 1831, as his 2nd wife, Sir Bellingham Reginald Graham, 7th baronet, who d. 1866. Residence, Paris. The ist baronet, of Norton Conyers, received his baronetcy from Charles II., temp. 1662, for services rendered to the Royal cause during the Civil Wars. He was the 2nd son of Sir Richard -Graham, Bart. (cr. 1629), of Esk, a distinguished Royalist and Gentleman of the Horse to King James I. GRAHAM, Creation 1783, of Netherby, Cumberland Sir RICHARD JAMES GRAHAM, 4th Baronet ; b. Feb. 24th, 1859; s. his father, Sir FREDERICK ULRIC, 1888 ; formerly Lieut. 3rd Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Suther- land Highlanders); is a J.P. and a D.L. for Cumberland: m, 1886, Olivia, who d. 1887, da. of Lieut. -Gen. Charles Baring [see E. Northbrook, colls.]; 2ndly, 1889, Lady Mabel Cynthia Buncombe, da. of ist Earl of Feversham. gutrcw of Sto0 ;ifaings Arthuret R., Kirk Andrews-upon-Esk R., Cumberland. ^rms Or, on a chief sable three escallops of the field. Crtst A pair of wings addorsed or. Seat Netherby, Cumberland. Clubs Travellers', Bachelors', Carlton. Reason contents me. Brothers living HUGH, b. Dec. nth, 1860; . 1888, Jessie, da. of the late Mr. Andrew Low, of Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A., and has issue living, Ronald Andrew Hugh, b. 1801 James Reginald, b. 1864 : /. 1892, Florence, da. of J. Carter Wood, Esq., of War- wick Hall, Carlisle, and widow of Capt. Cyprian Knollys. Residence,