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DKBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 301 D'Oyly, 9th baronet, of Newlands, Blandford, Dorset, Dora Caroline: in. 1862, Capt. Richard William Spicer, who d. 1892, of 3, Chesham Place, S.W. Residence, Empshott Grange, Liss, Hants. Mother living Sophia Horatia Churchill, da. of Henry Lawes Long, Esq., of Hampton Lodge, Surrey: HI. ist, 1865, Major Jervoise Clarke-Jervoise, el. son of 2nd Baronet, who d. 1872 ; 2ndly, 1881, Edward King, Esq. (Clubs, National Conservative, Junior Constitutional). Residence, The Wilderness, Cannes, France. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Samuel Clarke-Jervoise. Esq., son of ist baronet, b. 1808, d. 1890 : in. 1830, Emily (now of Erdsleigh House, Torquay), da. of Gen. Sir Henry John Gumming, K.C.H. : - Harry Samuel Gumming, b. 1832 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Merton Coll., Oxford ; is a Senior Clerk in Foreign Office : 111. 1874, Beatrice Evelyn, da. of the late William Bruce Stopford Sackville, Esq. [see E. Courtown, colls.], and has issue living, Kathleen Margaret. Residences, 25, Chester Street, S.W. ; The Raswell, Hascombe, Surrey. Clubs, Travellers', Arthur's. Cecil, b. 1835. Alan Arthur, b. 1836: m., and has issue living, Eustace James, b. 1870, Dudley Alan Lestock, b. 1876, Effie Mary Dora, b. 1861, Nora Elphinston, b. 1871. Residence, Exeleigh House, Tiverton, Devon. Club, East India United Service. Ada Geraldine : m. 1869, Arthur Ramsay Macdonald, Esq., formerly of Bom. C.S. Residence, 10, Chester Street, S.W. Annette Charlotte Laura. Maud Mary Wedderburn : in. 1890,35 his 3rd wife, Philip Henry Egerton, Esq. [see Grey-Egerton, Bart., colls.]. Residence, Tulliebelton, Bankfoot, Perth. Sybil Gavine. The father of the tst baronet, Jervoise Clarke, Esq., M.P. for Hampshire, assumed by Act of Parliament 1777 the additional surname of Jervoise. The 2nd baronet sat as M.P. for Hampshire S. (L) 1857-68. JESSEL, Creation 1883, of Ladliam House, Goudhurst, co. Kent. Sir CHARLES JAMES JESSEL, rst Baronet, son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir George Jessel, Master of the Rolls, by Amelia [see " Knights' Widows"], da. of the late Joseph Moses, Esq. ; b. May nth, 1860; ed. at Rugby, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1884, M.A. 1886) ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1885 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Kent ; formerly Lieut. 2nd Vol. Batn* The Buffs (E. Kent Regt.) ; unsuccessfully contested Taunton (L) 1885: m. 1890, Edith, da. of Sir Julian Goldsmid, M.P., 3rd Bart., and has issue. &rms Azure, a fesse raguly ermine, between three eagles' heads erased argent ; in the centre chief point a torch erect fired proper. Crtst A torch fessewise fired proper, surmounted by an eagle volant argent, holding in the beak a pearl of the last. Seat Ladham House, Goudhurst, Kent. Town Residence 27, Clubs Garrick, Brooks's, Oxford and Cambridge, Beefsteak. Persevere, Lowndes Square, S.W. Son living GEORGE, b. May 2 8th, 1891. Brother living Herbert Merton, b. 1866; ed. at Rugby, and at New Coll., Oxford; is Lieut. i7th Lancers. Clubs, Garrick, Army and Navy, Wellington. Sisters living Emma : m. 1877, Ludwig Nathan Hardy, Esq., who d. 1890. Residence, i, Cadogan Square, S.W. Constance: m. 1883, Edward David Stern, Esq. Residences, 4, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. ; Fan Court, Chertsey, Surrey. Lucy. JODRELL, Creation 1783, of Sail Park, Norfolk. Sir ALFRED JODRELL, 4th Baronet, only surviving son of the late Major Edward Jodrell, i8th Foot, nephew of 2nd Baronet ; b. Aug. I3th, 1847 ; s. his cousin, the Rev. Sir EDWARD REPPS, 1882 ; is a D.L. for Norfolk (High Sheriff 1887). 5rms Ermines, a trefoil slipped or between three round buckles argen*, tongues pendent. rtst A demi-cock, wings erected or, combed and wattled gules, issuant out of a wreath of roses of the last, seeded gold. Seat Bayfield Hall, Holt, Norfolk. Club Boodle's. Non sibi sed patriae natus. Bom n Sister living Adela : m. 1885, John Henry Scale, Esq., only son of Sir Henry Paul Scale, 2nd baronet. Residence, Wonastow Court, Monmouth, Marianne : in. 1868, Major Frederick John Nash Ind (formerly of 37th Regt.). Residence, Court Place, Iffley, Oxford. Uncle living (nephew of 2nd Baronet) Rev. HENRY, b. 1817 ; is R. of Gisleham ; ed. at Eton, and at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1834, , ., Rectory, Lowestoft : Merchiston Hall, Horndean. Club, Junior Carlton. This family is descended from Peter Jodrell, who held lands in the Peak. Derbyshire, 1286. The ist baronet, Sir John Hase, took the surname of Lombe only, by Act of Parliament, 1762, on succeeding to tha estates of his uncle, Edward Lombe, Esq., lineal descendant of Alderman Sir Thomas Lombe, who, under the disguise of a silk-weaver, procured the model of a silk machine from Piedmont, and introduced silk-throwing into England, for which service he received a reward of ,14,000. The 2nd baronet, Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, succeeded under a special remainder.