Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/418

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34 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Sisters living Mary Hamilton Stopford. - Eleanor Anne Pemberton : in. 1877, the Rev. Robert Hereford, R. of Mordiford, and has issue living, Henry Lighten, b. 1879, Francis Robert, b. 1880, Walter Richard Hamilton, b. 1886, Hariot Mary Eleanor. Residence, Mordiford Rectory, Here- ford. Florence d'Arcy Hamilton. - Emily Stuart Hamilton. - Isabel Penelope Hamilton. Uncle living (son of 4th Baronet) Andrew, b. 1822 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1847) ; formerly Capt. ist Gloucestershire Rifle Vol. : m. 1860, Eliza Amelia, da. of Henry Sumner Joyce, Esq., of Freshford, Somerset. Residence. 12, Hanover Terrace, Kensington Park, V. Club* United University. WidOW living Of 6th Baronet MARY ANNE ELIZABETH (Lady Lighten), only da. of the Rep. Digby Joseph Stopford Ram, of Brookville, Cork : m. 1843, the Rev. Sir Christopher Robert Lighten, 6th baronet, who d. 1875. Residence, The Cottage, Brockhampton, Ross. LINDSAY, Creation 1821, of West Ville, Lincolnshire. Sir COUTTS LINDSAY, 2nd Baronet, son of the late Lieut. -Gen. James Lindsay [see E. Crawford, colls.] ; b. 1824 s. (by special limitation) his grandfather, Sir COUTTS TROTTKR, 1837; formerly Lieut. Grenadier Guards, and Lieut. -Col. Comdt. 6th Vol. Batn. The Black Watch (Roy. Highlanders) ; served as Lieut. -Col. -Comdt. of 1st Regt. of Italian Legion in Crimean war 1855 ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for co. Fife, and a Trustee of National Portrait Gallery : m. 1864, Caroline Blanche Elizabeth, da. of the late Right Hon. Henry Fitzroy [see B. Southampton, colls.], and has issue. 5rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, gules, a fesse cheeky argent and azure, Lindsay ; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion rampant gules debruised by ribbon sable, A bernethy ; the whole within a bordure azure semee of mullets argent. Crist A tent proper. Town Residence , Grosvenor Square, W. Clubs Travellers', Astra castra ; numen lumen. The stars are my camf> ; The stars are my camp ; Town Re my light is the Divinity. Home Service. Daughters living Euphemia Harriet Susan. - Anne Helen. Brother living ROBERT JAMES LOYD-LINDSAY, K.C.B., V.C., cr. Baton Wantage, 1885. Sisters living Margaret (CWfe nj 'Crawford and Balcarres) : m. 1846, the 25th Earl o f Crawford, who d. 1880. Residence, Villa Palmieri, Florence. Mary Anne : t. 1854, Robert Stayrrer Holford, Esq., who d. 1892, and has issue living, George Lindsay, C.I.E., b. 1860 [see " COM- PANIONAGE"], Margaret (Countess of Morley): m. 1876, the 3rd Earl of Morley, of Saltram, Plympton, Devon, Evelyn : m. 1887, Robert Henry Benson, Esq., of 16, South Street, Park Lane, W., and has issue living, a da. /'. 1892, Alice: m. 1877, Albert Henry George Grey, Esq. [see E. Grey, colls.], of Howick House, Lesbury, Northumberland. Residences, Westonbirt, near Tetbury ; D'orchester House, Park Lane, W. Daughter living Of 1st Baronet Anne (mother of present Baronet): m. 1823, Lieut-Gen. James Lindsay, who d. 1855. Residence, n, Grosvenor Square, W. LISTER, Creation 1883, of Park Crescent, co. Middlesex. Sir JOSEPH LISTER, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., son of the late Joseph Jackson Lister, Esq., F.R.S., of Upton, Essex; b. 1827; B.A. London Um'v. 1847, and M.B. 1852; F.R.C.S. Eng. 1852, F.R.C.S. Edin. 1855, F.F.P.S. Glas. 1860, F.R.S. Lond. and Edin.. LL.D. Edin. 1878, Hon. M.D. Dub. 1879, LL.D. Glas. 1879, and D.C.L. Oxon, and LL.D. Camb. 1880 ; formerly Professor of Clinical Surgery in Edinburgh Univ., and Professor of Surgery in Glasgow Univ. ; is Surg. Extiaor. to H.M., Emeritus Professor of Clinical Sur- gery in King's Coll., Lond., Surg. to King's Coll. Hospital, a Fellow of Univ. Coll., Lond.,aKnt. Com. ist Class of the Dane- brog, a Knt. of Prussian order "pour le Merite," and Roy. Medallist of Roy. So. of London (1880) : m. 1856, Agnes, da. of the late James Syme, Esq., F.R.S. E., Surg. to H.M. for Ma!o mori quam fcsdari. Scotland. Srms Ermine, on a fesse invected sable three mullets of six points argent ; in chief a staff erect entwined by a serpent proper. Crist In front of a stag's head erased proper three mullets of six points argent. Residence, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. Club Athenaeum. The father of Sir Joseph was well known in the scientific world as the discoverer of the principle upon which the achromatic microscope is constructed. Lister-Kaye. see Eaye. Liston-Foulis, see Foulis. Death ratJifr than disgrace.