Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/436

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DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Katherine Daphne Violet. Residence, Foster Hill Road, Bedford AuntS living (daughters of ist Baronet) Charlotte Maria: m. i 2, Samuel Edward MccGwire, The ist baronet, the Right Hon. Sir William, was a Privy Councillor and Master of the Rolls in Ireland. His eldest brother was also created a baronet in 1817. (See note to next Baronetcy.) M'MAHON, Creation 1817. Sir AUBREY HOPE M'MAHON, 4th Baronet; b. Aug. 26th, 1862; s. his father, Gen. Sir THOMAS WESTROPP, C.B., 1892; is Lieut, and Adj. 3rd Batn. Grenadier Guards. ,2 ns Per saltire or and ermine, a lion passant azure be- tween two lions passant-reguardant gules. Crtst An arm embowed in armour, holding a sword wavy, all proper, sur- mounted of a portcullis gules, chained or. ^upporttrs On either side a private of the loth Foot habited and accoutred, and holding in the exterior hand a musket proper. Brothers living-HORACE WESTROPP, b. Oct. 2 8th, 1863; is Lieut. 2nd Batn. Roy. Welsh Fusiliers. Francis Yorke, b. 1864; is Capt. and Adj. ist Dragoons. Nor- man Reginald, b. 1866; is Lieut, and Adj. 2nd Batn. Roy. Fusiliers (City of London Regt.). Sister living- Frances Mary Holford : m. 1888, J. W. J. Hardman, Esq. Residence, Uncle " ' Thus we defend ourselves and our sacred rights. AuntS living (daughters of 2nd baronet) Charlotte : m. 1843, Capt. John Kellerman Wedderburn, who d. 1891 [see Wedderburn, Bart., colls.]. Residence, 41, Cadogan Place, S.W. Frederica (Hon. Mrs. Augustus Byron): t>i. 1852, the Rev. the Hon. Augustus Byron, son of 7th Baron Byron. Residence, Kirkby Mallory Rectory, near Hinckley. WidOW living Of 3rd Baronet CONSTANCE MARIANNE {Lady M'Mahon widow of John S. Brooking, Esq.: m. 1888, as his 3rd wife, Gen. Sir Thomas Westropp M'Mahon, C.I?., jrd baronet, who d. 1892. Residence, 40, Queen's Gate, S.W. The ist baronet, the Right Hon. Sir John M'Mahon, was a Privy Councillor for Ireland and ivate Secretary and Keeper of the Privy Purse to George IV. His next brother wa Pr bar bro as also created a vuie oeureiary ana Deeper 01 the "rivy furse to Lieorge J V. His next orotner was also created a 'onet. (See preceding Baronetcy.) He was succeeded, by a limitation in the patent, by his second ither, Gen. Sir Thomas, G.C.B., Col. of loth Foot, and Com. -in-Chief of the Forces at Bombay. WORKMAN-MACNAGHTEN, Creation 1836, of Dundarave, Antrim. Sir FRANCIS EDMUND WORKMAN-MAC- NAGHTEN, 3rd Baronet; b. July 9th, 1828; s. his father, Sir EDMUND CHARLES, 1876; ed. at Eton; entered 8th Hussars 1845, and retired as CoJ. 1870; served in Eastern campaign 1854-5 (medal with four clasps, and Turkish war medal J, and in Rajpootana and Central India 1858-9 (medal with clasp); is Lord Lieut, of co. Antrim, Chief of the Clan Macnaghten, and Hon. Col. 4th Batn. Roy. Irish Rifles : in. 1866, Alice Mary (whom he divorced 1883), da. of William Howard Russell, Esq., LL.D., and has issue. .SVrms Quarterly: ist and 4th, Macnaghten, quarterly: ist and 4th, argent, an arm issuant from the sinister proper, the hand grasping a cross-crosslet fitchee azure; 2nd and 3rd, argent, a tower