Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/496

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. OWEN, Creation 1813, of Orielton, Pembrokeshire. Sir HUGH CHARLES OWEN, 3rd Baronet ; b. 1826; y. his father, Sir HUGH OWEN, 1891 ; ed. at Rugby; formerly Lieut. 731-1! Regt. ; served at siege of Monte Video 1846, and in Kaffir war 1846-7 (medal) ; is a D.L. and a J. P. for co. Pembroke : m. 1890, Miss Martha Roberts Lewis, and has issue. ^rms Gules, a chevron or, between three lions rampant or. Crtst A ion rampant or. " Residence Goodwick, Fishguard, S. Wales. Son living JOHN ARTHUR, b. Feb. 5 th, 1892. Half-Sisters living Alice Henrietta Rodney : tit. 1879, Henry Bowes Scott, Esq., of Broadway Chambers, Westminster, S.W. and has issue Honestas opUma politia. ,; ving) Harry George Rodneyj b . l8 8 7) -Dorothy Alice Bowes, Vernita Honesty is tlm best policy. Edith Rodney. Residence, 34, Cheyne Row, S.W. Edith Rodney. Ellen Rodney. Uncle living (son of ist baronet) John, b. 1831 ; is a J.P. for Haverfordwest and co. Pembroke. Residence, WidOW living Of 2nd Baronet HENRIETTA (Lady Owen), da. of the late Hon. Edward Rodney [see B. Rodney, colls.] : m. 18^45, as his second wife, Sir Hugh Owen Owen, 2nd baronet, who d. 1891. Residence, 7, Woodlands Road, Barnes, S.W. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late George Rodney Owen, Esq., son (by and marriage) of 2nd baronet, b. 1850,^. 1886: /. 1870, Georgiana Metcalf, da. of Capt. C. G. King: Arthur Edward Rodney, b, 1877. Alice Georgina Margaret Edith. Georgina Marion. John Lord, Esq., M.P. for the Pembroke Burghs, and Lord Lieut, of Pembrokeshire, assumed the name of Owen on obtaining the estates of Sir Hugh Owen, 6th baronet (creation 1641). Sir Arthur Owen, M.P., 3rd baronet of the first creation, gave the casting vote which established the Hanoverian succession, after riding from Wales on purpose in an unprecedently short time. The 2nd baronet sat as M.P. for Pembroke Dist. (L) 1826-38 and 1861-8. The baronetcy of the first creation (1641) has been dormant since the death in 1851 of Sir William Owen- Barlow, 8th baronet. OXENDEN, Creation 1667, of Dene Court, Kent. Sir HENRY MONTAGU OXENDEN, Qth Baronet ; b. June 20th, 1825; s. his uncle, Sir HENRY CHUDLEIGH, ftatron of nc gibing Denton V., Kent. ^rms Argent, a chevron gules between three oxen passant sable. Cnat Out of a ducal coronet gules, a lion's head affrontee or. Grandson living of 7th Baronet PERCY DIXWELL NOWELL DIXWELL-OXENDE^ T (son of the late Rev. Montagu Oxenden), b. June 6th, 1838 ; formerly Capt. E. Kent Yeo. Cav. ; is a J.P. for Kent ; assumed by Royal license 1890 the additional surname of Dixwell : m. 1868, Isabella, da. of the late Rev. the Hon. Daniel Finch-Hatton [see E. Winchilsea, colls.], and has issue living, Basil Heneage Dixwell , b. 1874, Muriel Elizabeth Anna Louisa : m. 1889, Edward Henry Capel Cure, Esq. sec B. Rookwood], Guendolen Isabel. Residences, Broome Park, Canterbury ; 7, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Club, St. James's. Granddaughters living Of 7th Baronet Hannah Mary: m. 1859, the Rev. Alfred Joseph Woodhouse, who d. 1880, V. of Ide Hill. Residence, 40, Elm Park Road, S.W. Agnes Graham : til. 1852, the Rev. William Robert Finch-Hatton [see E. Winchilsea, colls.]. Residence, Great Weldon Rectory, Wansford. Flora Elizabeth (Lady Macgregor) : tn. 1879, Maj.-Gen. Sir George Hall Macgregor, K.C.B., who d. 1883. Residence, Glencarnock, Torquay. Aunt living (daughter of 7th baronet) Eliza. Residence, Maydeacon, Bexhill. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Rev. Charles Oxenden, 4th son of 7th baronet, b. 1800, d. 1874 : ;//. 1823, Catherine Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. George Holcombe, D.D. : Charlotte Georgiana (Lady We are) : m. 1850, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Edwin Weare, K.C.B.,and has issue living, Constance Marion, Catharine Anne, Emily Georgina. Residence, 6, Courtfield Gardens, S.W. Grandchildren of the late Rev. Charles Oxenden (ante): Issue of the late Col. Charles Vernon Oxenden, b. 1826, d. 1668 : in. 1861, Norah Louisa (who vi. 2ndly, 1871, Maj.-Gen. Alfred Light), da. of Martin Richard Gubbins Esq., B.C.S. : Constance Elizabeth : m. 1890, Capt. Alexander Morrogh, formerly gth Lancers. Flora Caroline : m. 1886, Col. Patrick FitzGerald Gallwey, R.A., Inspector-Gen, of Ordnance, India.-^ Maud Alice. IsFue of the late Rt. Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D.D., 6th son of 7th baronet, b. 1808, d. 1892 : m. 1864, Sarah (now of Biarritz), da. of the late Joseph Hoare Bradshav, Esq., a London banker : Mary Ashton : in. 1891, Charles John Wood, Esq. Residence, This family had been settled at Dene since temp. Edward III. Sir Henry Oxenden, Knight, held high command in the English army at Poictiers. The 2nd baronet sat as M.P. for Canterbury.