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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 429 Issue of the late Major Edward Rodney Cecil Pechell, brother of 5th baronet, b. 1837 d. 1880: m. 1859, Alicia AUeyne (who ;., zndly, 1882, Brig.-Surg. Edward Litton Low, M.B.), da. of the late Rev. John Rothwell, R. of Amherst Island: Elizabeth Caroline. Charlotte Alice Rothwell. Grandchildren of the late Augustus Pechell, Esq., 2nd son of ist baronet :. Issue of the late Rev. Horace Robert Pechell, Chancellor of Brecon, b. 1792, d. 1882 : in. 1826, Lady Caroline Mary, who d. 1869, da. of Lord Mark Kerr and Charlotte, in her own right, Countess of Antrim : Augustus, b. 1828 : at. 1863, Lucy Jane, who d. 1872, da. of the Rev. Charles Douglas Beckford, of Southampton, and has issue living, Alice. Club, Travellers'. Mark Robert, b. 1830 ; became a retired Vice-Adm. 1885, and Adm. 1892 ; served in Baltic Expedition 1854-5 (medal) : m. 1861, Ellen Maria, da. of Cobbett Derby, Esq., of Horton, Bucks [Fludyer, Bart.], and has issue living, Mark Horace Kerr, b. 1867 ; is Lieut, ist Batn. King's Roy. Rifle Corps, Charles Augustus Kerr, b. 1869 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst : is Lieut. 2nd Batn. King's Roy. Rifle Corps. William Cecil Kerr, .1874, Horace Randal Kerr, b. 1875, Maud Louisa: m. 1890, William Robert Ogilvie-Grant Esq. [see E. Seafield, colls.], Sybil Mary Kerr: /. 1889, Henry Jocelyn Wingfield, Esq. [see V. Powerscourt, colls.], Constance Emily Kerr, Blanche Helen Kerr, Aileen Kerr. Residences, Tingrith Manor, Woburn ; 27, Great Cumberland Place, W. Clubs, United Service, Arthur's. Hervey Charles, b. 1841 : m. 1874, Blanche Henrietta Johnes, da. and heiress of Sir John Villiers Shelley, 7th baronet. Residences, Maresfield Park, Uckfield, Sussex ; 6, Chapel Street West, May- fair, W. Club, Travellers'.- Horatia Charlotte : m. 1866, Col. Henry Skipwith, who d. 1886. Residence, Hampton Hill, Bishop's Waltham. The ancestors of this family were established for many generations at Montauban, in Languedoc, being ennobled by patent 1547. On the revocation of the " Edict of Nantes," Samuel de Pechels and his family were the objects of persecution, and after suffering extreme cruelties, M. Pechels was shipped with felons for the West Indies, whence he escaped to Ireland. His two daughters, who had been taken from him, were placed in a convent and brought up as Catholics ; they afterwards obtained a grant of all their father's lands, by virtue of a letter from Louis XIV. His son, Jacob, afterwards spelt the name Pechell, and the patent of baronetcy was so made out. -Sir Thomas, 2nd baronet, assumed in 1801 the additional surname of Brooke, by royal sign-manua , for himself and his issue. The 4th baronet was a Vice-Adm., and sometime M.P. for Brighton (Z.). PEEK, Creation 1874, of Rousdon, Devonshire. Sir HENRY WILLIAM PEEK, ist Baronet, son of the late James Peek, Esq., of Watcombe, near Torquay ; b. Feb. 26th, 1825 ; is a J.P. for Surrey and Devon, and head of the firm of Peek Brothers and Co., tea, coffee, and spice merchants; unsuccessfully contested Surrey E. 1865; sat as M.P. for Mid- Surrey (C) 1868-84: is Hon. Lieut. R.N. Artillery Vol. : m. 1848, Margaret Maria, who d. 1884, da. of the late William Edgar, Esq., of Clapham Common, S. E., and has issue. gatron of Jibe fibings Bildeston R., Suffolk; Cranleigh R., Surrey; Drewsteignton R., Rousdon R., Devon ; and (alternately) St. Mary-at-Hill with St. Andrew Hubbard R., London. ^rms Azure, an estoile argent ; in chief three crescents of the last. Crtst Two hazel nuts, slipped proper. Seats Wimbledon House, Surrey ; Rousdon, near Lyme Regis. Offices 20, Eastcheap, E.C. Clubs Carlton, City Carlton, Constitutional, Farmers'. Le Maitre vient. The Master comes. SOU living CUTHBERT EDGAR, b. Jan. 3oth, 1855 ; ed. at Eton, and at Pembroke Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1879, M.A. 1883); is a J.P. for cos. Devon, Middlesex, and London: . 1884, the Hon. Augusta Louisa Brodritk, da. of 8th Viscount Midleton, and has issue living, Wilfrid, b. 1884, Roger Grenville, b. 1888, Margaret, b. 1885, Violet Eveline, b. 1886, Gwendolen, b. 1890. Residence, 25, Bryanston Square, W. Club, Conservative. Brother living Rev. Edward, b. 1841 ; ed. at Trin. Hall, Camb. (B.A. 1866, M.A. 1869). Resi- dences, Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire ; Malvern Wells. Sister living Hannah : m. 1866. Thomas Ness, Esq., who d, 1878. Residence, Daracombe, Newton Abbot. PEEL, Creation 1800, of Drayton Manor, Staffordshire: Right Hon. Sir ROBERT PEEL, P.O., G.C.B., 3rd Baronet; b. May 4th, 1822; s. his father, the Right Hon. Sir ROBERT, M.P., 1850; ed. at Harrow, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1843) ; formerly Capt. Staffordshire Yeo. Cav. ; was Attache at Madrid 1844-6, Sec. and Charge d' Affaires at Berne 1846-50, a Lord of the Admiralty 1852-7, Sec. to Special Mission to Russia, at coronation of Emperor Alexander. 1856, and Ch. Sec. for Ireland 1861-5 ; sat as M- p for Tarn worth (LC) 1850-80 ; for Huntingdon (C) 1884-5, an d f r Blackburn (C) 1885-6 ; unsuccessfully contested Gravesencl (C) By industry. 1880, Inverness Dist. (Z) 1886, and Brighton (LG) 1889; is a J.P. and a D.L. for