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DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Sister living Charlotte. WidOW living Of 8th Baronet JOSEPHINE CATHERINE DENISE (Lady Recve-de-la-Pale), ne'e Carre, of Arise, Rhone, France : tit ist, 1843, Sir John George Reeve-de-la-Pole, 8th baronet, who d. 1874 ; 2ndly, 1881, Mons. Antoine Pierre Roup. Resides in Paris. Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Rt. Hon. Reginald Pole-Carew, M.P., son of the late Reginald Pole, Esq. (infra): Issue of the late William Henry Pole-Carew, Esq., b. 1811, d. 1888 : m. 1838, Frances Anne, da. of the late John Buller, Esq., of Morval, Cornwall : Reginald, C.B., 6. 1849 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is Col. ist Batn. Coldstream Guards ; has been Private Sec. to Gov. of N. S. Wales (Sir Hercules Robinson, G.C.M.G.), A.D.C. to Viceroy of India (Earl Lytton), and Mil. Sec. to Gen. Sir F. Roberts, Com.-in-Ch. in India ; served in Afghan campaign 1879-80 as A.D.C. to Gen. Sir Frederick Roberts (medal with three clasps, bronze star), and in Egyptian campaign 1882 as A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Con- naught (medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Medjidie), and in Burmah campaign 1886-7 (medal, C.B.); is patron of three livings (Antony V., Sheviock R., and St. John's R., Cornwall); C.B. 1887. Residences, 3, Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Antony, Devonport. Clubs, Guards', White's, Marl- borough, Travellers', Turf, United Service. Charles Edward, b. 1853 ; ed. at Winchester, and at Ch. Ch , Oxford: m. 1886, Ellen Henrietta, da. of William Ayshford Sanford, Esq., of Nynehead Court, Wellington, Somerset, and has issue living, Gerald Ayshford, b. 1887, Frances lone, b. 1887. Residence, Hatton, Ceylon. Club, St. James's. Rev. Gerald, b. 1858 ; ed. at Winchester, and at Trin. Hall, Camb. (B. A. 1881, M.A. 1884) ; is V. of Kea. Residence, Kea Vicarage, Truro. Fanny Julia. Caroline Lyttelton. Grandchildren of the late Rev. Edward Pole, D.D., grandson of the late Rev. Carolus Pole, 2nd son of 3rd baronet : Issue of the late Rev. Reginald Pole, b. 1801, d. 1888 : ;. 1836, Jane (now of Dumfries, Weston-super-Mare), da. of Alexander Powell, Esq., of Hurdcott House, Wilts : Alexander Edward, b. 1848 ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1873 ; is a J.P. for Somersetshire : in, 1873, Joanna, da. of the late Rev. Charles Raikes Davy, of Tracy Park, Gloucestershire, and has issue living, Alexander Charles Reginald, b. 1878, Mabel Maria, Ethel Agneta. Residence, Grove House, Weston Park, Bath. John Lionel, b. 1858; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1880. Henrietta Maria: in. 1865, Henry Francis Mutukisna, Esq., of Ceylon, who d. 1873.^ Mary Stuart. Joanna Augusta.- Agneta Jane : in, 1873, Alexander J. Garrett, Esq. Louisa Margaretta. Augusta. Residence, Issue of the late Rev. Edward Pole, b. 1805, d. 1890 : m. 1839, Mary Anne (now of Hessen- ford, Cornwall), da. of Frederick John Chapman, Esq., of Howden, Tiverton : Reginald Carolus, b. 1841 ; formerly in Ceylon Civ. Ser. : m. 1864, Annie, da. of the Rev. Robert Pargiter, V. of Towersey, near Thame, and has issue living, Reginald Charles Somers, b. 1864 ; ed. at Heavitree Coll. Sch., and at Probus Gram. Sch. ; formerly Dep. Fiscal Sec. of Local Board, and Assist. Govt. Agent, E. Province, Ceylon ; appointed an Assist. Surveyor to Surveyor-Gen., Ceylon, 1887, Percival Edward, b. 1867, Clarence Dyke, b. 1871, Clement John, b. 1872, Albert Edward, b. 1875, Claude Carew, b. 1878, Courtenay Alexander, b. 1888, Annie Mabel Pole, Blanch Caroline Edith, Marie Stuart. Residence, i, Bedford Place, Radford Street, Coventry. Arthur Stuart, b. 1844. Henry Lionel, b. 1846 : m. 1866, Mary, da. of John Warwick, Esq., and has issue living, Edward Lionel Carew, b. 1868, John Gasper, b. 1870, Ernest Frederick, b. 1871, Edith. John, b. 1848 : in. 1877, Charlotte, da. of the Rev. Robert Pargiter (ante). Charles Francis, b. 1863. Mary Anne Catherine : in. 1865, William Douglas Cox, Esq. Caroline Jane : in. 1877, the Rev. Daniel Evans. Residence, Llanmaes Rectory, Cowbridge. Stephanie Frederica: m. 1876, Edward Hilton Glendower Bradshaw, Esq., and has issue living, John Hilton Pole, b. 1877, Cyril Glendower Pole, b. 1892, Beatrice Marguerite, /'. 1878, Lilian Gertrude Pole, b. 1880, Violet Dorothy Gwenllian Pole, b. 1885, Ivy Muriel Pole, b. 1889. Residence, The Elms, Redbrook, Monmouth. Edith Buller. Ethel Stuart. The ist baronet was M.P. for Devonshire, the 2nd baronet represented Honiton in Parliament, and the 3rd and 5th baronets each sat as M.P. for co. Devon. The 6th baronet assumed in 1790 the surname of De-la-Pole, which his successor discontinued, and the 8th baronet assumed in 1838 the surname of Reeve-de-la-Pole, and afterwards discontinued it. VAN-NOTTEN-POLE, Creation 1791, of Todenham House, Gloucestershire. Virtue is Wise as a powerful, serpznt. Sir CECIL PERY VAN-NOTTEN-POLE, 4th Baronet; b. March 3Oth, 1863; s. his grand- father. Sir PETER, 1887 ; ed. at Mil. Coll., Oxford ; formerly Lieut. 3rd Batn. Roy. Fusiliers (City of London Regt.) ; is Lieut. Gloucestershire Yeo. Cav. Vrms Quarterly : ist and 4th, argent, a chevron be- tween three crescents gules, a mullet for difference, Pole ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, ist and 4th, argent, four pallets azure ; 2nd, or, a snake in pale wavy, the upper half azure, the lower sable ; 3rd, or, three crescents gules, I' an Xntten. Crtsts ist, a falcon rising proper, a mullet for difference : 2nd, a snake per pale wavy, the upper half azure, the lower sable, between two wings per fesse azure and argent counter- changed. Supporttrs On either side a lion reguardant proper, each differenced by a pale of three colors. Seat Todenham House, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. Chibs Wellington, Arthur's, Yorkshire. Brothers living-GERALD CHARLES, b. July 28th, 1866. Chandos Edward, b. 1872. Sisters living Annie Louisa: m. 1886, Sydney Fisher, Esq., and has issue living, Doris Louise Sydney, b. 1887, Enid Sydney, b. 1892. Residence, Comberford Hall, Tamworth. -Ethel Margaret. Florence Maud. Cicely.