Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/539

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 461 $3trcn of cfonr jCibings Coats V., Lincolnshire ; Huddersfield V., St. John's V., Huddersfield, Aldmonbury V., Yorkshire. ^rms Argent, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, three rams' heads erased of the first. Crtst An armed arm couped at the elbow erect proper, holding a fleur-de-lis sable. Seats Byram, Ferry Bridge ; Longley Hall, Huddersfield ; Bulstrode Park, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks ; Ardverikie, Kingussie, N.B. Town Residence 6, Upper Brook Street, V. Clubs Athenaeum, Brooks's, Travellers'. Son living JOHN FRECHEVILLE. b. Jan. 7 th, 1877. Daughters living Hermione Charlotte. Rosamund Isabel. Sister living Charlotte Louisa: m. 1841, the Right Hon. Edward Horsman; P.C., M.P., who d. 1876. Residence, Kytes, Watford. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Capt. Henry James Ramsden, 3rd son of 4th baronet, b. 1799, d. 1871 : m. 1829, the Hon. Frederica Selina Law, who d. 1879, da. of ist Baron Ellenborough : John Charles Francis, b. 1835 ; formerly Capt. R.A. ; served in Crimean campaign 1855 (medal), and in Indian Mutiny campaign (medal) ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for W. Riding of York, and a J.P. and a County Alderman for Surrey : ;. 1863, Emma, da. of the Rev. Edward Buncombe, and widow of Ellis Gosling, Esq., of Busbridge Hall, Surrey, and has issue living, Frederick William (of 4. Herbert Crescent, S.W.), />. 1864 ; formerly Lieut, ist Batn. Coldstream Guards : m. 1887, Lady Elizabeth Maud Conyngham, da. of 4th Marquess Conyngham, and has issue living. Charles Frederick Ingram It. 1888, Cynthia Maud 6. 1891, Richard Henry, b. 1866, Caryl John, b. 1868 ; is Lieut, ist Batn. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, Duke of Albany's), Henry, b. 1871 ; is Lieut. R.A., Josslyn Vere, b. 1876. Residence, Willinghurst, Guildford. Club, Brooks's. William John Frescheville, b. 1845 : formerly Major and Lieut.-Col. Coldstream Guards, and Capt. Yorkshire Dragoons Yeo. Cav. ; is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Hemsworth Div.) for W. Riding of York ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star) : m. 1877, Mabel, da. of the late Gen. the Hon. Sir James Lindsay, K.C.M.G. [see E. Crawford, colls.]. Resilience, Rogerthorpe Manor, Pontefract. Clubs, Guards', Travellers'. Louisa. Residence, i, Upper Grosvenor Street, W Isabella Anne : m. 1858, Richard Silver Oliver, Esq., who a. 1889. Residence, Bolton Lodge, Tadcaster. Selina Frances. Residence, i, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. Florence Mary : in. ist, 1872, John Hope Barton, Esq., who d. 1876 ; 2ndly, 1887, Frank Sumner Hatchard, Esq., and has issue living (by ist marriage), Henry John Hope, b. 1873. Residences, Stapleton Park, Ponte- fract ; 10, Lowndes Street, S.W. Grandchildren of the late Robert John Ramsden, Esq. (infra) : Issue of the late Robert Henry Ramsden, Esq., b. 1845, d. 1874 : m. 1871, Francesca Romana Maria, da. of Charles Jebb, Esq., of Clifton : Robert Charles Plumptre, b. 1874 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. Residence, Carlton Hall, Worksop. Frances Alice Mary. Grandchildren of the late Robert Ramsden, Esq. (infra) : Issue of the late Robert John Ramsden, Esq., b. 1817, d. 1892 : in. 1844, Mary Matilda, who d. 1875, da. of the late Rev. Henry Gipps, of Elmley, Kent: Edward Plumptre, /'. 1848 : in. 1875, Frances Elizabeth, da. of William Kelly, Esq., of Blackheath, and has issue living, John Ed ward Cecil, b. 1881, William Eustace, b. 1882, five daus. Residence, Skenes Creek, Apollo Bay, Australia. Charles Arthur, b. 1849: in. 1875, Elizabeth Mary, da. of John Leckenby, Esq., formerly of Scarborough, and has issue living, John Arthur, b. 1881, Francis Samuel, b. 18 , Kennedy, b. 18 , Edith Elizabeth Mary, Emily Gertrude, Maud. Residence. Harkaway, Berwick, Melbourne. Algernon Feilden, b. 1850 : in. 1892, Mary Smith, da. of the late Thomas Purdom, Esq., Solicitor and Banker, of Hawick, N.B. John Pemberton, b. 1854; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1875): m. 1833, Alice Louisa, da. of Arthur Malet, Esq. scc Malet, Bart.], and has issue living, Arthur Amherst, b. 1889, Ralph Western, b. 1890, Evelyn Charlotte, Alice Frida. Residence, Stockholm, Sweden. Mary Emma Frances: m. 1876, Thomas Eadie Purdom, Esq., M.D. Residence, Ellerslie, Park Hill Road, Croydon. Elizabeth Emily Cecilia. Frances Eleanor Matilda. Issue of the late Rev. Frederick Selwyn Ramsden, b. 1830, d. 1865 : in. 1862, Mary Jane (now of 2, Sunnyside, Wimbledon), da. of the late Rev. Joseph Parker, R. of Wyton : Frederick Plumptre, b. 1863 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1886). Grandchildren of the late Robert Ramsden, Esq., of Carlton, el. son of the late Robert Ramsden, Esq., of Osberton, 4th son of 2nd baronet : Issue of the late Robert Ramsden, Esq., b. 1784, d. 1865 : in. 1816, Frances Matilda, who d. 1837, da. of John Plumptre, Esq., of Fredville, Kent : Rev. Charles Henry, b. 1818 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1843) ; is V. of Chilham : m. 1846, Mary Hamilton, da. of the Rev. Henry Hamilton Beamish, of Mount Beamish, Ireland, and has issue living, Charles Hamilton, b. 1847 : m. 1873, Caroline Augusta, da. of James McEwen, Esq., of San Francisco, and has issue living, Charles Harold Lowther b. 1883, Percival Scott Webber b. 1886, Rev. Henry Plumptre, b. 1848; ed. at Worcester Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1873); is R. of Cottingham, Yorkshire : m. 1887, Ethel Frances Alice, da. of the late William Henry Have- lock, Esq., 'Bom. C.S., and has issue living, William Havelock Chaplin b. 1888, Rosamond Mary Lowther b. 1892, Herbert Frescheville Smyth, b. 1856; is Capt. and Brevet Major I.S.C., and an Assist. Sec. to Govt. of India in Mil. Depart. ; served in Afghan campaign 1879-80 (medal), in Suakin expedition 1885 (mentioned in despatches, medal, bronze star), and in Burmah campaign 1886-7 (men- tioned in despatches, thanked by Govt. of India, medal, Brevet Major) : in. 1889, the Hon. Edwyna Susan Elizabeth Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, da. of i4th Baron Sayeand Sele, and has issue living, Mary Edwyna b. 1890, Ernest Western (of Northern Territory, S. Australia), b. 1863, Frances Matilda Anne : m. 1876, Stafford O'Brien Hoare, Esq. [see B. Inchiquin, colls.], of Turville Park, Bucks, Gertrude Mary: m. 1887, the Rev. Arthur Johnson Rogers, R. of Yarlington, Wincanton, and has issue living, Mary Ramsden b. 1892. Residence, Chilham Vicarage, near Canterbury. John Plumptre, b. 1832. Residence, North House, Carlton, Worksop. Emma Louisa: in. 1853, the Rev. Henry Gladwyn Jebb, and has issue living, Henry Scrope Frescheville (of 17, Lenham