Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/581

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 53 Estoteville, 6. 1874, James Wemyss, b. 1875, Frederick, b. 1877, Mary Effie, (by and marriage), Charles Grey Yule, b. 1890, Flora Blanche and Frances Helen (twins), Gertrude Esther May. Frances Annabella. Grandchildren of the late Lionel Skipwith, Esq. (infra) : Issue of the late Archibald Peyton Skipwith, Esq., b. 1853, d. 1884 : nt. 1880, Edith, and who m. andly, 1888, Capt. Reginald Curtis Toogood {see Curtis, Bart., cr. 1802, colls.], da. of the Rev. Francis Coulman Royds, R. of Coddington, Chester, and Rural Dean of Malpas : Frank Peyton, h. 1882. Norah. Issue of the late Lionel Skipwith, Esq., 7th son of 8th baronet, b. 1816, d. 1886.: in. 1852, Nannette, who d. 1877, da. of the late Thomas Walker, Esq., of Ravenfield Park, Yorkshire : Frederick Charles, b. 1857. Residence, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui, New Zealand. Robert Windsor, b. 1860. Francis, b. 1861 ; formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Bedfordshire Regt.^^Granville Gore, b. 1865. Helen : m. 1878, Howard Gilliat, Esq., and has issue living, a son, b. 18 , a son, b. 18 , a son, b. 18 , a son, b. 18 , Margaret Nanette Helen, b. 1891, a da., b. 1892. Residence, 9, Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. Dora Mary. ^Mabel Georgina-: m, 1885, William Henry Perry Leslie, Esq. Nannette Ida. Issue of the late Sidmouth Stowell Skipwith, Esq., Com. R.N., loth son of 8th baronet, b. 1825, d. 1872 : in. 1861, Charlotte (now of 108, Elm Park Gardens, S.W.), da. of the late James Backwell Praed, Esq., M.P., of Tyringham, Bucks: Reginald, b. 1866. Clubs, Wellington, Arthur's. Gerald, b. 1869 ; ed. at Radley. Eva. This baronet is descended from Robert d'Estoteville, Baron of Cottingham, who came over with the Conqueror. Many of his descendants were of knightly rank, and distinguished both in war and in law, a Sir William Skipwith having been a Justice of the Queen's Bench tentf. Edward III. and Richard II., and a Sir Thomas having achieved honor in the French wars was knighted by Henry V. The first baronet, who achieved reputation as a poet, sold the Prestwould estates in 1653. The 3rd baronet emigrated to Virginia, U.S.A., and his successors were settled there for more than 100 years. Fidus et audax. Faithful and bold. SLADE, Creation 1831, of Maunsel House, Somersetshire. Sir CUTHBERT SLADE, 4th Baronet; b. April xoth, 1863 ; s. his father, Sir ALFRED FREDERICK ADOLPHUS, 1890; is Lieut. 1st Batn. Scots Guards. ^nns Quarterly of six argent and sable, three horses' heads erased of the last , on a chief ermine, two bombs fired proper. Crist On a mount vert, a horse's head erased sable, within an arch of chain gold. Seat Maunsel Grange, Bridgwater. Chtbs Guards', Bachelors.', Carlton. Brother living BASIL ALFRED, b. May 29th, 1865 : m. 1891, Louisa Mary, da. of William Clements, Esq., and has issue living, Frederick William Patrick, b. 1892. Club, Carlton. Sisters living Violet Mary : m. 1887, Major John Anstruther Smith- Cuninghame, 2nd Life Guards {see Carmichael- Anstruther, Bart., colls.]. Irene Marguerite : ;. 1892, Charles Henry Halford, Esq., Lieut. 2nd Batn. Grenadier Guards {see V. Dillon]. Constance Maud. Uncles living (sons of 2nd Baronet) Charles George, b. 1837 ; is Col. in the Army, and Comdt. of Sch. of Musketry ; served in Ashanti war 1874 (medal). Club, Army and Navy. Harry Hubert de Merve, b. 1845 : m. 1879, Evelyn Julia Marguerite, da. of the late Capt. Frederic Sayer(23rd Foot), [seeM. Normanby, colls.]. Marcus, b. 1847. Aunts living (daughters of 2nd baronet) Mary Lucinda : m. 1850, Charles William Tinling, Esq., who d. 1885. Harriette Georgina : ;. 1858, John Staniforth, Esq., and has issue living, Percy John Frederick (Club, St. James's), b. 1863, Charles George (flub, St. James's), b. 1868, Edith Mary Blanche, Harriette Rosa Marie, Georgina Marie Antoinette, May Francis Alice, Evelyn Angela Mary. Residence, 28, Prince's Gate, S. Kensington, S.W. Caroline Georgiana : m. 1859, John Daniel King, Esq., Barrister-at-law, who d. 1884, and has issue living, Austin St. John, b. 1869, Helen Auxilium : m. 1884, Eric Henry Stuart Bruce, Esq. [see Bruce, Bart., colls., cr. 1629]. Ethelreda Dorothea : m. 1887, Charles Dowdall, Esq., of Shanghai, Lilian Marguerite : m. 1887-, Major Josiah Philip Crampton Neville, I.S.C., Maud, Marion, Alfreda, Irene Hilda, Ulrica. Florence Barbara : m. 1863, Alexander Gordon Breton, Esq., Solicitor, and has issue living, Frederick Edward, b. 1864 : m. 1890, Alice Emily Esther, da. of W. Strong, Esq. Residence, 24, St. Charles's Square, N. Kensington, W. Great-Uncles living (sons of ist Baronet) Herbert Dawson, b. 1824; entered ist Dragoon Guards j842, became Major 1859, Lieut. -Col. 1868, Col. 1873. and Maj.-Gen. 1881 (h.p. 1876): in. 1851, Henriette : Augusta, da. of the late Chichester F. Bolton, Esq., of Tullydonnell, co. Louth, and has issue living, Gerald, b. 1851, Maud Evelyn : m. 1887, Morley Humphery, Esq., of 8, Gloucester Street, Warwick Square, S.W. Club, Army and Navy.-= Wyndham, b. 1826 ; ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1849); Bar. Inner Temple 1850; is a Metropolitan Police Magistrate, and a J.P. for Somerset ; formerly Recorder of Penzance ; m. 1863, Cicely, da. of Sir Digby Neave, 3rd baronet, and has issue living, Wyndham Neave, b. 1867 ; ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1890) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1891, Cicely Maud : m. 1886, Lieut. -CoL William Kenyon Mitford [see B. Kenyon], of Pitshill, Petworth, Mary Arundell : m. 1887, Rowland Burdon, Esq., of Castle Eden, Durham, Olive. Residences, 70, St. George's Square, S.W. ; Montys Court, Taunton. Clubs, Carlton, Arthur's Rev. George Fitzclarence, b. 1831 ; ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857, and Fellow of All Souls') ; is R. of Buckland, and Rural Dean of Re ; gate : ;. 1858, Eleanor Frances, da. of Henry Warre, Esq., of Bindon, Somerset, and has issue living, Edmond John Warre (Club Junior United Service), R.N.,