Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/592

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. For the king and laiv. Hornidge Gledstanes, Esq., who d. 18 , and has issue living, Cecil Ambrose Frederick, b. 1858 r tit. 1882, Caroline Jane, da. of the late Rev. John Crossley, V. of Shankhill, Belfast, and has issue living, Caroline Edith Phoebe, Mary Florence Isabella, Helen Louisa, Edward, b. 1860 : in. 1885, Addeen Emma, da. of Stephen Go>s, Esq., and has issue living, Mary, Phoebe Kathleen, Helen, Charles Mervyn, b. 1868, Evyleen Richmond. Residence, Twickenham, King's co. Phoebe : in. 1857, Edward Hornidge, Esq. Eleanor Anne. The ist baronet, the Right Hon. Sir John, Attorney-General for Ireland in 1799, was successively M.P. for cos. Down and Tyrone. STEWART, Creation 1881. Sir DONALD MARTIN STEWART, G.C.JB,, G.C.S.L, C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D., ist Baronet, son of the late Robert Stewart. Esq.; b. 1824; ed. at Aberdeen Univ. (Hon. LL.D. 18 , Hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1889); entered Bengal Army 1840, became Capt. 1854, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1858, Col. 1863, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut-Gen. 1877, and Gen. 1881 ; served on Peshawur frontier 1854-5 (mentioned in despatches) ; com- manded Vol. in Allyghur District 1857, and all communi- cations with the Upper Provinces being cut off he volunteered to carry despatches from the Govt. of N.W. Provinces to- officer commanding at Delhi; was D.A.A.G. of Field Force at siege of Delhi, and A.A.G. of Army at Lucknow and throughout campaign in Rohilcund (medal with two clasps and mentioned in despatches) ; commanded Bengal Brig, in Abyssinian campaign 1867-8 (medal, C.B., and mentioned in despatches), and the Forces in Afghanistan campaign 1879-80 (medal, K.C.B., G.C.B., baronetcy, and thanked by Parliament); G. C.S.I. 1885; was Com.-in-Ch. in India 1881-85, since when he has been a Member of the Council of India : m. 1847, Marina, da. of Thomas Dymock Dabine, Esq., Com. R.N., and has issue. JJlrms Or, a fesse checkey azure and argent, between in chief two garbs azure, and in base an eastern crown gules. Crrst An arm in armour, couped below the wrist, holding in the hand a dagger paleswise proper. Residence 73, Harrington Gardens, S.W. Clubs United Service, East India United Service, Athenaeum. SOUS living NORMAN ROBERT, b. Sept. 2 7 th, 1851 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Sandhurst ; is Col. I.S.C. ; served as A.D.C. on Staff of Sir Donald Stewart in Afghan wars 1878-9-80 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, and Brevet Major), and as an A.A.G. and Q.M.G., with Suakin Field Force 1885 (medal with two clasps, bronze star, mentioned in despatches, and Brevet Lieut. Col.): m. 1875, Adeline, da. of P. W. Hewett, Esq., of Bombay, and has issue living, Douglas Law, b. 1878, -Elsie, Kathleen Seymour. Club, Junior Army and Navy. Donald William, b. 1860 : formerly Capt. 2nd Batn. Gordon Highlanders ; served in Afghan war 1880 (medal with clasp and bronze star), in S. African war 1881, and in Suakin campaign 1885 (medal with clasp, bronze star). Daughters living Flora Alice: ;. 1877, Brig.-Surg. Richard William Davies, who d. 1890. Marina Annie : in. 1882, Major Francis John William Eustace, R.H.A. Norah Helen Gertrude : in. 1891, B. Fenistone O'Neill Murphy, Esq., formerly R.A. (Clubs, Orleans, Hurlingham, Royal Dorset Yacht, Royal Albert Yacht). Residence, The Cottage, Cattistock, Dorchester. STEWART, Creation;i892, of Southwick, Kirkcudbright, and Blairderry, Wigtownshire. Harnessed JJmitate my ^ir MARK JOHN STEWART, M.P., ISt Baronet, eL son of the late Mark Sprot Stewart, Esq., of Southwick, Haddingtonshire ; b. Oct. I2th, 1834 ; ed. at Winchester, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1858, M.A. 1860); Bar. Inner Temple 1862; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Kirkcudbrightshire, a J.P. for Wigtownshire, and Hon. Col. Ayrshire and Galloway Artillery Vol. ; sat as M.P. for Ayr Burghs 1874-80, when he was unseated, re-elected (at Bye- Election) and unseated on- petition ; has sat for Kirkcudbrightshire since 1885 : m. 1866, Marianne Susanna, da. of the late John Orde Ommanney. Esq., and has issue. Drills Or, a fesse cheeky argent and azure, surmounted of a bend en- grailed gules, thereon three fish hauriant of the field, in sinister chief point a round buckle of the fourth, all within a double tressure flory counter- flory of the last. Crrst A demi-lion rampant, in his dexter paw a round buckle or. Seat Southwick, Dumfries, N.B. Residence Ardwell, Wigtownshire. Clubs Carlton, Athenaeum, New (Edinburgh). Son living EDWARD ORDE, b. Jan. 3 ist, 188; Daughters living Janet Gertrude Sarah Mary. Margaret Anna. Blanche. Frances Emily Sprot. Susanna