Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/598

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520 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Mandeville Place, Manchester Square, V. Clubs, Guards', Turf), b. 1853 ; is Capt. 2nd Batn. Scots Guards ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal with clasp and bronze star), Claud Edward (of 10, Hanover Square, W. Clubs, Naval and Military, Guards'), />. 1855 ; is Capt. 2nd Batn. Scots Guards ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal and bronze star) ; received Jubilee Medal, Eustace William Clitherow (Club, Marlborough), b. 1864 ; formerly Lieut. R.N. ; served at bombard- ment of forts of Alexandria 1882, and on shore with Naval Brig, (medal with two clasps, Khedive's bronze star, and 5th class Medjidie), Emma Maria: in. 1875, Col. Charles Birch-Reynardson (^rd Batn. Grenadier Guards), of Holywell Hall, Stamford, and 10, West Eaton Place, S.W., Alice Harriot Argyll {Baroness Hothjield): ?. 1872, the ist Baron Hothfield, of Appleby Castle, West- moreland, Margaret Susan : ;;/. 1889, Charles Somerville Orde, Esq. [see B. Bolton, colls.], Ida Marion. Residence, 50, Portland Place, W. Sir Edward Stracey, ist baronet, was the eldest surviving son of Sir John Stracey, Knt., Chief Judge of the Sheriffs' Court, and Recorder of London in 1746. The 5th baronet sat as M.P. for Norfolk, East (C)> '855-7, for Yarmouth 1859-65, and for Norwich 1868-9. Coel STRACHEY, Creation 1801, of Button Court, Somersetshire. Sir EDWARD STRACHEY, 3rd Baronet, son of the late Edward Strachey, Esq., 2nd son of ist Baronet ; b. Aug. i2th, 1812; s. his uncle, Sir HENRY, 1858 ; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Somerset (High Sheriff 1864) : m. 1st, 1844, Elisabeth, who d. 1855, da. of the late Rev. W. Wilkieson, of Woodbury Hall, Beds; andly, 1857, Mary Isabella, who d. 1883, da. of the late John Adclington Symonds, Esq., M.D., of Clifton, and has issue by 2nd marriage. Vrms Quarterly : ist and 4th, argent, a cross between four eagles displayed gules ; 2nd and 3rd, or, three crescents, two and one, sable ; on a canton of the last, a ducal crown, or, Hodges. Crest An eagle displayed gules, charged on the breast with a cross crosslet fitchee. Scat Sutton Court, Pensford, near Bristol. um non animum He changes the climate, SOUS living EDWARD, M.P., b. Oct. soth, 1858; ed. at Ch. Ch., not his mind (wlio crosses Oxford ; is a J.P., a D.L., and a County Councillor (Glutton Div.) for the sea). co. Somerset ; formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Prince Albert's (Somersetshire L.I.); unsuccessfully contested N. Div. of Somerset (L) 1885, and Ply- mouth 1886; has sat as M.P. for Somerset, S. Div. (L) since 1892: in. 1880, Constance, only child of Charles B. Braham, Esq., and has issue living, Edward, b. 1882, Frances Constance Maddalena. Residence, Sutton Court, Pensford, Bristol. Clubs, Brooks's, National Liberal, Tiaveliers'. John St. Loe, b. 1860 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford; Bar. Inner Temple 1885 : m. 1887, Henrietta Mary Amy, da. of Charles Turner Simpson, Esq., of 14, Cornwall Gardens, S.W., and has issue living, Thomas Clive b. 1888. Residences, 14, Cornwall Gardens, S.W. ; Newlands Corner, Merrow, Guildford. Clubs, Reform, Brooks's. Henry, b. 1863. Daughter living Frances. Brothers living Henry, l>. 1816 ; is a retired Lieut. -Col. Bengal Army : ;//. 1859, Joanna Catharine, da. of Rudolph Cloete, Esq., of Newlands, Cape of Good Hope, and has issue living, Julia Charlotte : >. 1884, William Chance, Esq., Barrister-at-law, of Wharfenden, Frimley, Surrey. Residence, Capel Lodge, Dorking, Surrey. Richard, C.S.I., F.R.S., LL.D., b. 18*7 ; LL.D. Camb. 18 ; entered Bengal Engineers 1836, became Lieut. -Col. 1860, Col. 1862, Mai. -Gen. 1868, and Lieut. -Gen. 1875, when he retired ; served in Sutlej campaign 1845-6 (medal with clasp) ; was a Member of Council of Sec. of State for India, 1875-89, Pres. of Roy. Geographical So. 1888, and a British Delegate to Monetary Conference 1892 ; C.S.I. 1866 : m. ist, 1854, Caroline, who d. 1855, da. of the Rev. George Bowles ; 2ndly, 1859, Jane Maria, da. of Sir John Peter Grant, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., and has issue living (by 2nd marriage), Richard John (Club, Naval and Military), b. 1861 ; is Capt. Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), and A.D.C. to Gov. of Queensland (Gen. Sir H. W. Norman, G.C.B.) ; served in Burmah Campaign 1887-9 (medal with clasp), Ralph, b. 1868, Oliver, b. 1874 ; ed. at Eton, Giles Lytton, b. 1880, James Beaumont, b. 1887, Elinor : m. 1882, James Meadows Rendel, Esq., Bar.-at-law, of 4, Stone Buildings, W.C., and has issue living, Richard Meadows b. 1887, Andrew James /'. 1888, Elizabeth, Frances Elinor, Dorothea, Philippa, Joan Pernel, Marjorie Colvile. Residence, (x), Lancaster Gate, W. Club, Athenzum. William,^. 1821; formerly in B.C.S. ; was precis writer at Colonial Office 1848-70; is a J.P. for Somerset. Resi- dence, Elm, near Frome. Clubs, Oriental, Brooks's. Sir John, G.C.S.I., C.I.E., b. 1823; was Lieut. -Gov. of N.W. Provinces of India 1874-6, a member of Council of Gov.-Gen. of India 1870-73 and 1876-80, and Acting-Viceroy of India after assassination of Earl of Mayo; appointed Lecturer on Indian History to Camb. Univ. 1883 ; has been a member of Council of India since 1885; K. C.S.I. ^72, G.C.S.I. 1878, C.I.E. 1879: m. 1856, Katherine Jane, C.I., da. of m. 1885, Ellen, da. of the late John Conolly, Esq., Charles, b. 1862 ; is in Foreign Office. Nina, Mary Lawrence, Jane. Residence, 37, Cornwall Gardens, S.W. Club, Athenaeum. George, 6. 1828 ; entered Diplo. Ser. 1852 ; became a Sec. of Legation 1867 ; is Min. Resident in Saxony : ;//. ist, 1857, Anne Maria Georgiana, who d. 1858, da. of the late Richard Strachey, Esq. [see infra], of Ashwick Grove, Somerset; 2ndly, 1862, Catherine, da. of the late Rev. John BazeU Doveton, and has issue living (by 2nd marriage), Lionel, b. 1864, Bertram, b. 1865 ; is Lieut. I.S.C. ; served in Burmah Campaign 1887-8 (medal with clasp), William, b. 1867, Margaret : has Roy. Humane So.'s medal for saving life at Heligoland 1887, Edith Mary, Georgiana. Residence, British Legation, Dresden.