Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/609

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DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 53* Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Rev. Robert Synge, 3rd son of ist baronet: Issue of the late Major Robert Follett Synge, b. 1821, d. 1860: m. 1855, Catherine Waddel Boyd, who d. 1892, da. of David Miller, Esq., Barrister-at-law, of Kirkcudbright : Robert Follett Muter Foster Millington, b. 1857; is Capt. Highland L.I., and British Vice-Consul for Oil Rivers Protectorate ; served in Egyptian expedition 1882 (medal with clasp and bronze star) : in. 1884, Charlotte Granville, da. of Maj.-Gen. William James Stuart, formerly R.E., and has issue iving, Alan Hamilton Stuart, b. 1885. Residence, British Vice-Consulate, Forcados, Oil Rivers, E. Africa. Club, Naval and Military. Issue of the late William Webb Follett Synge, Esq., b. 1826, d. 1891 : m. 1853, Henrietta Mary (now of Lislee House, Eastbourne), da. of the late Col. Robert Dewar Wainwright : Robert Follett, b. 1853 ; formerly Lieut. Surrey Militia ; is a Clerk in Treaty Depart., Foreign Office : in. 1881, Laura Mary, da. of the late John Charles Fletcher, Esq., of Dale Park, Sussex. Resi. dence, 7, Chester Square, S.W. Club, St. James's. Francis Julian, b. 1856 ; is a Clerk in Chancery Registrar's Office : t. 1890, Mary Auchmuty, da. of the late R. Sands Tucker, Esq., of New York, and Lenox, U.S.A. Residence, 12, Walton Place, Hans Place. S.W. William Make- peace Thackeray, b. 1860; is Capt. R.A. : ;. 1892, Ethel Elais, da. of Alfred Wilkinson, Esq., of Peterborough House, Harrow. Maria Montresor Auchmuty. Synge-Hutchinson, see Hutclrinson. TANCEED, Creation 1662, of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire. Sir THOMAS SELBY TANCRED, 8th Baronet; b. Oct. ist, 1840; s. his father, Sir THOMAS, 1880 ; ed. at Radley; is a Civil Engineer : m. 1866, Mary Harriet, da. of Col. George Willoughby Hemans, and has issue. ^Arms Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules. Crtst An olive tree fructed proper. Residence 46, Inverness Terrace, Bayswater, W. Chambers 2, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, S.W. Club Whitehall. Sons living THOMAS SELBY, b. May i 4 th, 1870; ed. at Eton, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; is Lieut. I.S.C. Francis Willoughby, b. 1874. Daughters living Felicia Harriet. Gwendoline Sybil. Edith Mary. Prodesse quam conspici. Constance Anne. Rather- for use titan Brothers living Prideaux Francis, b. 1850. Seymer Mitford, b. 1856 ; show. ed. at Radley. Harry George, b. 1858: m. 18 , Miss Bell, of Masterton, New Zealand. Residence, Sisters living Lucy Sybil: in. 1867, Robert Samuel Hawkins, Esq., and has issue living, Seymer Corrie Hanbury Selby, b. 1874, Harry Bradford Tancred, b. 1876, Lucy Sarah Crewe, Ida Dorothy, Margaret Sybil. Residence, Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand. Edith Jane : in. 1875, George Phipps Williams, Esq. Bertha Eveline : m. 1878, William Fownes Somerville, Esq. [tee Fuller- Acland-Hood, Bart.], and has issue living, William Tancred, b. 1879, Ernest Selby, b. 1882, .Enid Bertha. Residence, Tologa Bay, New Zealand. Aunt living Susan : m. 1849, the Rev. Thomas Clarke Whitehead, who d. 1873, and has issue living, Thomas Tancred (of Ramsgate), b. 1853 ; admitted a Solicitor 1878, Hayward Reader (Club, Junior Army and Navy), b. 1855; L.R.C.P. Edin. 1880, F.R.C.S. Eng. 1880; appointed Surg.-Capt. Army Med. Dept. 1882, and Assist.. Professor of Mil. Surgery at Army Med. Sch., Netley, 1891, Henry Hammond (of Chatham House, Brentford), b. 1860: in. 1886, Edith Miriam, da. of J. Cove, Esq., of Northampton, and has issue living, Noel Tancred b. 1888, Henry Montague b. 1890, Susan Harriet, Mary Elizabeth Hutton, Annette Augusta, Henrietta May. Residence, Bleak House, Broadstairs. WidOW living Of 7th Baronet JANE (Lady Tancred), da. of Prideaux Selby, Esq., of Twize House, Northumberland : ;. 1839, Sir Thomas Tancred, 7th baronet, who d. 1880. Residence, Casterton. New Zealand. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Clement William Tancred, Esq., 4th son of 7th Baronet, b. 1853, d. 1888 : m. 1878, Alice Maude (now of Whixley, E. Grinstead, and 2, Prince's Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.), da. of Oswald Bloxsome, Esq., of The Rangers, Sydney, New South Wales : Christopher Humphrey, b. 1888 Irene Maude. Esme Isabelle. This family is descended from Richard Tankard, who soon after the Conquest was possessed of lands at Boroughbridge, where still remains the ancient family house. A Christopher Tancred fouuded a retreat for poor gentlemen at Whixley, and also scholarships at Cambridge . Tapps-Gervis-Meyrick, see Meyrick.