Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/652

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/. 1876, the Rev. William John Humble-Crofts, R. of Waldron, and has issue living, John

Herbert, b. 1878, Woollaston Gonville Bromhead, b. 1880, Cyril Mitford, b. 1881, Arthur Maughan, b. 1883, Gerald, b. 1886, Edith Una, b. 1889, Bridget Maud, b. 1892. Residence^ Waldron Rectory, Sussex. White (Jenris-White-Jervis), see Jervis. WHITEHEAD, Creation 1889, of Highfield House, Catford Bridge, Kent. Sir JAMES WHITEHEAD, M.P., ist Baronet, son of James Whitehead, Esq., of Appleby, Westmorland ; b. March 2nd, 1834 ; ed. at Appleby Sch., Westmorland ; elected an Alderman of City of London (Cheape Ward) 1882 ; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1884-5, Lord Mayor of London 1888-9, and Sheriff of co. London 1890-91 ; unsuccessfully contested Westmorland, N., or Appleby, Div. (LG) 1885 and 1886 ; has sat as M.P. for Leicester since July 1892 ; formerly a Bradford Merchant in London ; is a Fellow of So. of Anti- quaries, of Statistical So., and of Roy. Historical So., a J.P. and D.L. for Westmorland, a Lieut, for City of London, a J.P. for Kent and for co. of London, Com. of Legion of Honour, Knight Com. of Order of Takovo and Grand Cordon Virtute et labore. of St _ gava of Servia> and Knight Officer of Order of Leopold By pluck and nork. of Belg j um . has 2nd dass o f Lion and S un of Persia: ;. 1860, Mercy Matilda, da. of Thomas Hinds, Esq., of Bank House, St. Neots, Hunts, and has issue. ^rms Per pale azure and sable, on a fesse invected and plain cottised or, between three fleurs- de-lis of the last a fasces erect between two eagles' heads erased proper. Crest An eagle, wings expanded proper, each wing charged with a fasces erect or, supporting an escutcheon of the arms. Residence 9, Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. Clubs Reform, City Liberal. Sons living GEORGE HUGH, b. Oct. wth, 1861 ; ed. at Clifton Coll., and at Trin. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1884, M.A. 1887); is one of H.M.'s Lieuts. for City of London, and a Member of London Stock Exchange: m. 1889, Gertrude Grace, da. of William Ascroft, Esq.,J.P., of Overleigh House, Preston, and The Wyke, Grasmere, Westmorland, and has issue living, James Hugh Edendale, b. 1890, Christobel, b. 1891. Residence, Red Bank, Bromley, Kent. Clubs, City Liberal, Devon- shire. Rowland Edward, b. 1863 ; ed. at Clifton Coll., and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1886, M.A. 1889) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1888, and Lincoln's Inn, 1890 ; is one of H.M.'s Lieuts. for City of London ; appointed Lecturer to Incorporated Law So. 1890 and 1891. Chambers, 14, Old Square, W.C. Club, Devonshire. Gilbert Hinds, b. 1866; ed. at Clifton Coll., and in Germany; is Lieut. 8th Vol. Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own). Club, Devonshire. Wilfred James, b. 1873 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Trin. Coll., Oxford. Daughters living Leila Isabel Mercy, b. 1874 Florence Marian, b. 1877. HAWXINS-WHITSHED, Creation 1834, of Killincarrick, Wicklow. [Extinct 1871.] Sir ST. VINCENT BENTINCK HAWKiNS-WHiTSHED,3rd and astEaroiut. Daughter living Of 3rd Baronet Elizabeth Alice Frances : m. ist, 1879, Col. Frederick Gustavus Burnaby, who d. 1885 ; 2ndly, 1886, John Frederic Main, Esq., C.E., and has issue living (by ist marriage), Harry Arthur Frederick Gustavus St. Vincent, b. 1880. Residence, Daughter living Of 2nd Baronet Renira : m. 1862, Rear-Adm. Edwin John Pollard, and has issue living, James Hawkins Whitshed, b. 1866: ed. at Repton ; is Lieut. 2nd Batn. Roy. Scots Fusiliers, Arthur Erskine St. Vincent, b, 1869; ed. at Repton, and at Oriel Coll., Oxford; is Lieut, ist Batn. Border Regt., Renira Elizabeth, Lucy Clara, Sevilla Florence, Evelyn Hyacinthe, Grace Emily. Residence, Haynford Hall, Norwich. Widow living Of 3rd Baronet (ANNE ALICIA) ALICE (Lady Havvkins-lVhitshcd), da. of the late Rev. the Hon. John Gustavus Handcock [see B. Castlemaine, colls.] : i. ist, 1858, Sir St. Vincent Bentinck Hawkins- Whitshed, 3rd and last baronet, who d. 1871 ; 2ndly, 1885, J. Percival Hughes, Esq. Residence, WHITWORTH, Creation 1869, of the Firs, Lancashire, and of Stancliffe, Derby. [Extinct 1887.] Sir JOSEPH WHITWORTH, ist and last Baronet. Widow living MARV LOUISA (Lady Whitivorth), da. of Daniel Broadhurst, Esq., and widow of Alfred Orrell, Esq., of The Grove, Cheadle, and the Cottage, Grasmere: m. 1871, as his second wife, Sir Joseph Whitworth, ist baronet. Residence, Stancliffe, Derby.