Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/676

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59 8 MARRIED DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, AND AUNTS. Crofton, Agnes Reid, cr. 1703. Cromer (Ethel S.), Baroness Errington, cr. 1661. Crosbie, Rosa Lister-Kaye. Crossley, Sarah M Peto. Cruttwell, Annie M Mmvbray. Culpeper, Alicia C. Bishop- . . Clayton. Cumberlege, Mary S Famngton. Cuninghame, Violet M. Smith- Slade. Cunningham, Alice Poore. Cunningham, Harriotte . . De Trafford. Cure, Augusta E Smith, cr. 1804. Cure, Gertrude L. J Rook-wood, B. Currey, Emily H Rugge-Price. Currie, Caroline L Young, cr. 1769. Currie, Mary M Sullivan, cr. 1804. Curteis, Isabella Ashburnham. Curtes. Paulina Thomas, cr. 1694. Cuthell, Martha Kelk. Dadysett, Bhikhaijee D. ..Petit. Dalbiac, Mary Mainwaring. Dale, Alice F Milbank. Dalison, Charlotte G Beresford-Peirse. Dalison, Harriet A Shaw, cr. 1665. Dalrymple (Susan H.), Vis- countess Grant-Suttie. Dalton, Catherine Smith- Dodsworth. Daly, Barbara Grattan-Bellew. Dalyell, Elizabeth G Dalyell. De Rothschild (Leonora), Baroness Alphonse . . . . Rotlischild, Baron. De Rougemont, Mary R. .. Rugge-Ptice. De Royer, Mary A. F WUmot, cr. 1772. Derwent (Charlotte), Baroness Hillingdon % Baron. De Steiger, Favoretta F. . . Hamilton, cr. 1819. De St. Geniez, Elizabeth S. . . Robinson, cr. 1776. De Terdeck, Augusta S. .. Palmer, cr. 1777. De Trafford, Clementina F. Mostyn. Devereux (Caroline), Hon. Mrs. Humphrey Antrobus. Dhunjeebhoy, Perozbai.. .. Jejeebhoy. Diamond, Victoria G Bromhead. Dickins, Anna M. C. Scrase- Walker, cr. 1835. Dickinson, Jessie M Cunynghame. Digby, Elizabeth J Forbes, cr. 1626. Dilke, Rosamond E. Dillon (Ellen L.), Hon. Mrs. Dillon (Gertrude E. P.), Countess Arthur Graham, cr. 1663. Dimsdale, Mabel S. ... Henniker. Dixon, Ella Brisca. Dod, Emma M Vavasour,(r.iSoi. Done, Elizabeth Dom-.'ille. Donnelly, Caroline F Barrington. Doran, Constance H Brooke, cr. 1822. Dorchester (Charlotte), Baroness Hobhouse. Dormer (Ella), Hon. Lady .. Alison. Dormer, Florence A. Cottrell- Smyth. Douglas (Charlotte M.), Hon. Dansey, Julia Tiueedmoiith, Baron. Dansey, Milburgha .. .. Green-Price. Darby, Frederica L. J Arthur. D'Arras, Louisa A Lechmere. Darwin, Emma C Farrer. Dash wood (E lizabeth), Lady . . Brinckutan. Dash wood (Roberta H .), Lady A bercromby. Daubeney, Eileen G FitzGerald, cr. 1880. Daunt, Rosamond A King, cr. 1815. Davidson, Anne Freeling. Da vie, Frances H. Ferguson- . . Miles. Davies, Flora A. .. .. .. Stewart, cr. 1881. Davis, Mary L. Hart- . . . . Acland, cr. 1677. Davison, Margaret A. S, .. Mackenzie, cr. 1890. Dawes, Isabella H Osborne. Dawkins, Neredah L J?o6i>iso>t,cr.i8gi. Dawson, Florence Kennet- . . Floyd. Dawson, Laura F. S. Westropp- Clay Douglas, Constance Robinson- Proctor-Beau- champ. Douglas, Fanny A Tapps-Gei vis- Meyrick. Douglas, Hannah C Douglas. Douglas, Laura S Campbell,cr.i%y. Dowdeswell, Emily Parky ns. Drake (Elizabeth), Lady Fuller-Eliott- Douglas, cr. 1831. Drewe, Margaret W. L. .. Walrond. Drewett, Isabella Drewett- . . Chaytor. Drummond (Charlotte M. A.), Hon. Mrs. Frances.. Oakeley. Drummond (Madeline D. E.), Lady Williams- Agnew. Drummond, Marguerite V. M. Williams- Agnew. Drummond, Marcia M. A. H. W. de la P. Beresford- . . Beresford-Peirse. Drysdale, Jane Wardlaw. Du Boulay, Helen M Sutton. Du Cane, Charlotte M Wimborne, Baron . Du Cane, Louisa F. M. .. Anson. Duckett, Catherine S Dick-Lauder. Duckett (Isabella), Lady . . Smith-Gordon. Dudley (Georgiana E.), Countess of Moncrieffe. Duff, Louisa Scott, cr. 1671. Day, Julia Foster, cr. 1838. Dearden, Henrietta M Ed-wards. Dease, Emily Throckmorton. De Bary, Mary P Mostyn. De Bonnieres, Ada M. W. . . Hart-well. De Bunsen, Mary A 'Kinlock. De Cetto, Evelyn R Montgomery, cr. 1808. De Chazelle (Theresa E.), Countess Hothfield, Baron. De Coetlogon, Jane . . . . Grey. Deedes, Emily C Glyn, cr. 1759. Deedes, Henrietta C Dering. De Frias (Mary B.), Duqua Knoiules. De Kerveguen, Florence A. M. S. F Piers Dugdale, Alice F Trevelyan,c.i%j^ Duke, Jane M Medlycott. Duller, Harriet Scott, cr. 1671. Duncan, Frances E Edmonstone. Duncombe (Eleanor J.), Hon. Mrs. Cecil Hillingdon, Baron. Duncombe (Flora), Lady De-la- Bere, Elizabeth L. M. Baghot- Bruce cr 1804 De-la- Poer, Frances .. .. Power, cr. 1836. De La Rochefoucauld (Emily V.), Comtesse.. .. Rumbold. De Liitzow, Harriet M. . . Seymour. De Lossy, Frances C. E. . . Oakes. De Montmorency, Grace K.. Grove. Denne, Emma M Honywood. Dennistoun, Frances A. . . Onslvw. Dennistoun, Georgina . . . . Oakeley. Denny, Eleanor L Durand. Duncombe (Jane M.), Hon. Mrs. Arthur Walker, cr. 1868. Dundas (Louisa M.), Hon. Mrs. Charles Boothby. Dundas, Mary L Knatchbull. Dundas, Robina M Dundas.