Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/681

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MARRIED DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, AND AUNTS. 603 MacLeod, Emily C. .. McMurdo, Fanny J. Macnamara, Catherine A. Macnamara, Elizabeth E. Macneill, Louisa L. M'Pherson, Charlotte M. Ishain. Alexander, cr 1809. Elphinstone, cr 1628. Cooper, cr. 1863. Agnew. ' Staples. Macpherson, Charlotte R. B. Stracey. Macrae, Letitia M. Maidstone (Louisa A.), Vicountess Main, Elizabeth, A. F... . Maxwell,cr. 1804. Jenkinson. Haiukins- Whitshed. Mainwaring, Edith S Williams,cr.T.']<)'&. Maitland (Fanny L. F.), Lady Ramsay-Gibson- . . White. Mailland, Venetia Neave. Malde;i (Emma M.), Vis- countess Meux. Manekjee, Soonabai .. .. Jejeebhoy. Manners, Frances E Riddell, cr. 1778. Manning, Florence C Walker, cr. 1856. Manning, Louisa A Henniker. Mansel, Henrietta C Don-Wauchope. Mansfield, Emma G. C . . . . Clay. Manson, Jane Johnston, cr.i62$. Marchant, Agnes M.Thomas- le- Lethbridge. Marsh, Louisa H Cunliffe. Marsham (Anne L.), Viscoun- tess Scott, cr. 1821. Martin, Agnes R Fitzherbert. Martin, Charlotte B Kirkpattick. Martin, Georgina S Blomefield. Martin, Margaret Warren. Martin (Mary), Lady .. .. Corrigan. Martin, Rebecca Alleyne. Martindale, Mary A Young, cr. 1769. Maskew, Anna M. B Poore. Massingberd, Harriet Massy, Agnes H. Newman. Hamilton, cr. 1776. Warren. Corncwall. Corneiva.ll. Borrowes. . . Quain . . . Lucas. Massy, Elizabeth . . Master, Catherine E. Master, Henrietta . . Matheson, Clara E. Mathews, Isabel Maude, Amy F. Maude, Ellen M Kelk. Maude, Ruth Swinburne. Maudslay, Kate G Lucas. Maul, Laura Broughton. Maxwell, Jane H Jardine, cr. 1672. Maycock, Eleanor F. A. .. Dixie. Meath (Harriot), Countess of Brooke, cr. 1662. Medd, Mary Medlycott (Maria), Lady Meeres, Charlotte L. P. Meiklam, Mary S Mellpr, Laura A Mellishj Margaret A. Menteth (Jane), I/ady Stuart- Bailey. Menzies, Cecilia C. Ridley. Mansel. Smith-Marriott. Lees. Payne. Canard. Wombwell. . Nightingale. . Green-Price. . Home-Spein. Mercer, Rosalind A. Meredith, 'Laura Middleton, Anna B. Middleton (Eliza M.), Baroness Gordon-Gumming. Middleton, Mariquita . . . . Neave. Milbank (Alexina H.), Lady Don-Waitchofe. Milbank, Edith M Green-Price. Milbank, Sybil J Hughes. Miles, Ellen M Kay. Miles, Eveline F Cradock-Hartopp. Miles (Frances E.), Lady . . Roche. Milligan, Gertrude Shakerley. Mills, Agnes L Acland, cr. 1677. Mills, Emily F. M Nightingale. Milne, Helen P Dunbar, cr. 1814. Minnitt, Elizabeth Goring. Mitchell, Ellen E Peto. Mitchell, Maria Wilmot, cr. 1759. Mocatta, Mary A Goldsmid. Moens, Grace Turing. Molesworth, Harriet E. . . Affleck. Molony, Rosa E Fetherston. Molyneux (Mary E. F.),Lady FitzGerald, cr. 1880. Molyneux, Sarah A. M. G. .. De Crespigny. Monckton, Emily M Stonliouse. Moncreiffe, Elizabeth B. . . Muir. Moncrieff, Flora C Lamb. Monro, Elizabeth Abercromby. Monro, Emily J Nugent, cr. 1806. Monro, Jane E Russell, cr. 1832. Monsell, Mary B Ogle. Montague, Juliana L Denys. Montefiore, Emma Goldsmid. Montgomery, Mary C.Graham Moncrieffe. Montgomery, Maude H.C... Robinson, cr.iSig. Montrose (Violet H.), Duchess of Graham, cr. 1783. Moogana, Manockbai D. Moogana, Navajbai D Moore, Augusta R Moore, Marion Moore, Mary L Moorsom, Alice M. Moreton, Anna H. M. Mac- donald- Moreton (J ane Frances), Hon. Mrs. Percy Morgan, Josephine de . . Morison, Anna Morland, Margaretta E. Morphy, Kate Morrell, Emma Morrell, Laurence A Morse, Diana A. Petit. Petit. R ugge-Price. Freeling. Clifford, cr. 1887. Green-Price. Sutton. Price. Coghill. Hay, cr. 1703. Lennard, O'Brien. Hoskyns. Hartwell. Gooch, cr. 1746. Morshead (Sarah E.), Lady. . Morshead. Moss, Eliza I. . . Mostyn, Anastasia E. Mounsey, Julia Mousley, Caroline . . Moussaye (Nancy Marquise de la Mundey, Amelia M. Mundy, Catherine L. M.), Smith-Gordon. Boughey. Boswell. Boynton. Codrington, cr. 1721. Duke. .. Cradock-Hartopp. Munro, Janet V Cunliffe. Munro, Mary H. S. '. . . . DeBurgh-Lawson. Murphy, Lily L Newman. Murphy, Norah H. G Stewart, cr. 1883. Murray, Blanche Moncrieffe. Murray, Caroline J Leslie, cr. 1625. Murray, Catherine Menzies. Murray, Grace Croft, cr. 1671. Murray, Grace A Abercromby. Murray, Mary C Edmonstone. Mussenden, Katherine M. . . Boynton. Myln, Julia D. Walker- . . Lethbridge. Naghten, Dorothea .. .. Meyrick, Napier (Mary A. D.), Lady Fairbairn. Needham, Grace Gore. Nelson (Emily), Hon. Mrs. Maurice Burr<ird,cr.i%oT. Ness, Hannah Peek. Nessi, Rosamond Clifford, cr. 1838. Nevill (Louisa M.), Hon.. Mrs. Ralph Maclean. Nevill, Matilda C Paston-Beding- field. Neville, Teresa J. M Cope. Newark (Helen), Viscountess Shaw-Stewart. Newcome, Cecilia Wake. Newton, Anna L Gooch, cr. 1866. Niccolini (Margaret G.), Mar- chesa di Camugliano- . . Colebrooke. Nicholetts, Blanche Nicholson, Helen G. Nicol, Anne M. Nightingale, Louisa D. Chichester, cr. 1641. Macgregor. Bates. Clark, cr. 1883.